All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.7.0 (2023-03-26)
- deps-dev: bump @discue/ui-components from 0.29.2 to 0.30.0 (391c279)
- deps-dev: bump @vuepress/plugin-shiki (572bc40)
- deps-dev: bump firebase-tools from 11.21.0 to 11.22.0 (5ef18aa)
- deps-dev: bump firebase-tools from 11.22.0 to 11.23.1 (2c5dbb5)
- deps-dev: bump firebase-tools from 11.23.1 to 11.24.0 (75d5302)
- deps-dev: bump firebase-tools from 11.24.0 to 11.24.1 (c939748)
- deps-dev: bump markdown-it-anchor from 8.6.6 to 8.6.7 (2f4778b)
- deps-dev: bump nodemon from 2.0.20 to 2.0.21 (6647a86)
- deps-dev: bump tailwindcss from 3.2.4 to 3.2.7 (0a5a065)
- deps-dev: bump vuepress from 2.0.0-beta.60 to 2.0.0-beta.61 (eaabb8c)
- deps-dev: bump vuepress-plugin-sitemap2 (044bd01)
- deps-dev: bump vuepress-plugin-sitemap2 (fde7e92)
- deps-dev: bump vuepress-plugin-sitemap2 (d64afd1)
- deps-dev: bump vuepress-plugin-sitemap2 (4adb77e)
- deps-dev: bump vuepress-plugin-sitemap2 (7d22ff6)
- deps-dev: bump vuepress-plugin-sitemap2 (edf9800)
- deps: add missing dependencies (37b4547)
- docs: update api documentation (50d7e1a)