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Repository files navigation

Deployed URL Backend

Main URL :

Test URL :

Admin URL :

Admin Credentials

Email :

Username :


Password :



  1. Must Have

    1. Code Sharing:

      • Users can create and share code snippets.
      • Display language and the number of lines for each snippet.
      • CRUD operations with public and private visibility options.
    2. Sharing Options:

      • Shareable links for snippets.
      • Public, open-for-all, and selective sharing (GitHub Gist).
      • Shorten link option.
    3. Code to Image:

      • Convert code snippets to shareable images (similar to
    4. Engagement Features:

      • Comments on snippets.
      • Reactions (upvote and downvote) for snippets.
    5. User Profile:

      • Profile page for users/developers.
      • Lists all public and private snippets.
      • Analytics for each snippet.
    6. Advanced Search:

      • GitHub-like advanced search functionality.
      • Filter search results by folder, users, language, and specific topics.
    7. Code Upload Options:

      • Upload code as a file.
      • Import from GitHub Gist.
    8. Favorites:

      • Add snippets to favorites.
  2. Good to Have

    1. Code Collaboration:

      • Real-time collaboration for writing and viewing code.
      • Similar to Figma or Google Docs collaboration features.
    2. Version Control System (VCS):

      • GitHub-like VCS for snippets.
      • Includes snippet title, commit message, date, changes, etc.
    3. Code Assistance:

      • ChatGPT-like chatbot feature.
      • Provides insights about code.
      • Allows users to ask for improvements and reviews.
      • Generate comments and tests

Models and Schemas

  1. Snippet
    type SnippetType = {
     snippetId: number | string; // Use either number or uuid,         based on your preference
     title: string;
     description : string;
     language: string[]; // Array of supported languages
     createdAt: Date;
     updatedAt: Date;
     author: string;
     user: UserIDType; // Assuming UserIDType is a predefined         type for user identification
     visibility: 'public' | 'private'; // Enum for visibility
     upvote: {
       count: number;
       users: Array<User>; // Assuming User is a predefined type         for user information
     comments: `Array<CommentType>`;
     codes: `Array<CodeType>`

  1. Code

    	type CodeType = {
    	  title: string; // Name displayed on the homepage
    	  fileNameWithExtension: string; // Name of the code file           with extension
    	  language: string[] | string; // String enum or array of           supported languages
    	  createdAt: Date;
    	  updatedAt: Date;
    	  visibility: 'public' | 'private'; // Enum for visibility
    	  codeContent: string; // Assuming "code type" refers to            the actual code content
    	  numberOfLines: number;

		type CommentType = {
			  id: number | string; // Use either number or uuid, based            on your preference
			  author: string;
			  createdAt: Date;
			  commentText: string;
			  // reactions and replies to comment can be added later on
  1. User
		type UserType = {
		  id: number | string; // Use either number or uuid,                based on your preference
		  name: string;
		  username: string;
		  email: string; // Assuming you have a predefined type             for email
		  imageURI: string; // URL for user image
		  numberOfSnippets: {
		    public: number;
		    private: number;
		  snippets: Array<SnippetType>; // Assuming SnippetType             is the type for snippets
		  bio: string;
		  techStack: Array<string>; // Array of technology terms


Certainly! I'll integrate the information from the previous response with the new details you've provided:

Authentication Screens:

  1. Register:

    • Email and Password (Verified Email)
    • GitHub
    • Google


    • Forgot Password
    • Reset Password

    Register Page:

    • Form for username, email, password.
  2. Login:

    • Email and Password
    • GitHub
    • Google


    • Forgot Password
    • Reset Password

    Login Page:

    • Form for username, email, password.


  • Style similar to YouTube and Appwrite.
  • Tabs:
    1. Home (Feed for users, popular and recent)
    2. User profile to navigate to user profile
    3. Create a new snippet
    4. Notification for user's snippets
    5. [Placeholder for additional tab]


  • Search bar
  • Logo of the App
  • User Photo with an option for logout and user settings


  • Components:
    • Sidebar
    • Topbar
    • Feed-like UI to display the snippets in a card-like format with hover effect.
    • Search with features to filter snippets with different options.


Authentication APIs:

  1. Registration:

    • Email and Password
    • Github
    • Google
  2. Login:

    • Users can log in via email, GitHub, and Google.
  3. Account Activation

  4. Reset Password

  5. User Profile Edit:

    • Edit details like name, email, change password, photo, bio, tech.

Snippet APIs:

  1. Create/Edit:

    • API to create a snippet with the following fields:
      • Title
      • Description
      • Image (optional)
      • Content
      • File Name
      • Language
      • Visibility of snippet
    • The API should support adding more than one snippet.
  2. Delete API:

    • To delete an entire snippet.
    • To delete a particular snippet in a collection.
  3. Read:

    • Option to show snippets based on filters like language, type, etc.
    • Sorting options:
      • All
      • Based on filters (e.g., language, type)
      • Sorting by time, like/dislike.
  4. Reactions and Comments:

    • Handled by PUT/PATCH methods.


  • Real-time notifications (if possible) or normal notifications.

Search API:

  • Filters:
    • Language
  • Sort:
    • Time
    • Like/Dislike

Additional APIs (Suggested):

  • User Snippets:

    • API to fetch all snippets by a specific user.
  • Favorite Snippets:

    • API to fetch or manage user-favorited snippets.
  • Recent Activity:

    • API to fetch recent activities, e.g., new snippets, reactions, comments.

Notes and references


Backend Repo for snipppify built on Django and DRF






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