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A self-hosted disposable mailbox service (aka trash mail) ☁️ ✉️




  • Anonymous usage, generate random email addresses.
  • New Mail notification. Download and delete your emails.
  • Display emails as text or html with sanitization filter.
  • Display emails based on one catch-all imap mailbox.
  • Only requires PHP >=7.2 and imap extension



Before you start ❗


Disposable-mailbox can be installed by copying the src directory to a webserver.

  1. assure the imap extension is installed. The following command should not print any errors:

     <?php print imap_base64("SU1BUCBleHRlbnNpb24gc2VlbXMgdG8gYmUgaW5zdGFsbGVkLiA="); ?>
  2. download a release or clone this repository

  3. copy the files in the src directory to your web server (not the whole repo! - only affects main branch (or Synox's original) ).

  4. rename config.sample.php to config.php and apply the imap settings.

  • Set CHMOD (Oktal) to 400
    * Konfigurationsdaten nicht auf GitHub speichern - oder Repository auf Privat stellen!
    * Do not save configuration data on GitHub - or set repository to private!
  1. open it in your browser, check your php error log for messages.

Build it yourself

The src directory contains all required files. If you want to update the php dependencies, you can update them yourself. You must have composer installed.

Install php dependecies:

composer update


  • IMAP Server has invalid certificate: You might have to add novalidate-cert to the IMAP settings. See flags on

  • Error 500, Internal error: Check your error log file. Add to config.php:

    ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);

Blank Site

$address = User::get_random_address($config{'domains'});

Please change line 58 in the controller.php, as it is above / or try:

$address = User::get_random_address($config['domains']); 

the page stops when a mail arrives

The entire page is displayed, from head to footer. But as soon as an incoming email is displayed, the footer is missing.

Unfortunately, this is an 
that occurs with certain server configurations.

Testing on MacOs

  • brew install php
  • brew tap kabel/php-ext
  • brew install kabel/php-ext/php-imap
  • php -S localhost:8000 -t src

Credit 👍

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