See Gibberish AES javascript encryption library,
An important note: The complementary JavaScript project Gibberish AES has been
deprecated, see mdp/gibberish-aes#25
Consider finding alternative PHP and JavaScript solutions.
This class is based on initial code proposed by nbari at dalmp dot com
php >= 7.1
openssl and mbstring module
echo '<br />';
// This is a secret pass-phrase, keep it in a safe place and don't loose it.
$pass = 'my secret pass-phrase, it should be long';
echo '$pass = '.$pass;
echo '<br />';
// The string to be encrypted.
$string = 'my secret message';
echo '$string = '.$string;
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
// The default key size is 256 bits.
$old_key_size = GibberishAES::size();
echo 'Encryption and decryption using a 256-bit key:';
echo '<br />';
// This is the result after encryption of the given string.
$encrypted_string = GibberishAES::enc($string, $pass);
// This is the result after decryption of the previously encrypted string.
// $decrypted_string == $string (should be).
$decrypted_string = GibberishAES::dec($encrypted_string, $pass);
echo '$encrypted_string = '.$encrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '$decrypted_string = '.$decrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
echo 'Encryption and decryption using a 192-bit key:';
echo '<br />';
$encrypted_string = GibberishAES::enc($string, $pass);
$decrypted_string = GibberishAES::dec($encrypted_string, $pass);
echo '$encrypted_string = '.$encrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '$decrypted_string = '.$decrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
echo 'Encryption and decryption using a 128-bit key:';
echo '<br />';
$encrypted_string = GibberishAES::enc($string, $pass);
$decrypted_string = GibberishAES::dec($encrypted_string, $pass);
echo '$encrypted_string = '.$encrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '$decrypted_string = '.$decrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
// Restore the old key size.
Author: Ivan Tcholakov, 2012-2016.
Author: Philipp Dittert, 2019-2020.
License: The MIT License (MIT),
A fragment of code is under the New BSD License, George Argyros, 2012.
you can use the library by adding the following snippet to your composer.json
"require": {
"dittertp/gibberish-aes-php" : "^2.0"
composer update
vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR12 src/
composer update
vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap bootstrap.php --configuration phpunit.xml