A couple of funscripts that i wright, mostly mathematical problems. Writing in python or javascript
Just Clone the repo and take a look, create pull request if you can
You only need, python 3 or a browser to run js code.
Each single file is a single code for a specific problem. This Readme would be update with descriptions on each file
- collatz.py A simple implementation of the collatz conjecture Read More Here Wikipedia article
- josephus.py My attempt at solving the josephus problem Read More Here Wolfram article
- dead_bot.py Find dead links on your website, all links stored in a json file for you.
- Python - The python programming language
- VSCode - The Best code editor
- Mozilla - Browser for javascript code, you can also use chrome, if you don't value your ram
- Vim - I still can't exit vim
You can create a pull request and contribute if you want
- Divine Tettey - Initial work - Divine Tettey
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to Youtube Channels,ComputerPhile,NumberPhile and Dev.to from where i get some inspiration