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A virtual Ping-Pong championship, which features 8 players and 1 referee (all 9 implemented as distinct applications). The 8 players will be instances of the same app, with different attributes, defined in an external file


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A Microservices based virtual Ping-Pong championship which features 8 players and 1 referee (all 9 implemented as distinct applications). The 8 players will be instances of the same app, with different attributes, defined in an external file

Core Requirements:-

- Ubuntu 14.04, Python 2.7.9, git 1.9.1, Mysql 5.6, Jenkins 2.74, pip and virtual env 

- Postman for running API's

#MySql Database Setup:-

#Login using

- mysql -u root -proot 

#Create Database

- create database ping_pong

#Project Setup

#Clone GitHub repository

- git clone

#Create virtual env for first time only

- cd ping-pong-championship/

- virtualenv env

#Activate virtual env from second time

- source env/bin/activate

#Install requirements

- pip install -r requirements.txt

#Run Migrations

- cd referee_service

- python makemigrations

- python migrate

#Free Ports for servers

  - If ports 8000 and 8001 are used free them using commands kill $(lsof -t -i:8000) and kill $(lsof -t -i:8001)

#Installing Jenkins CI

- sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'

- wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

- sudo apt-get update

- sudo apt-get install jenkins

- sudo service jenkins status

- Go to localhost:8080

- After pasting password, select install plugins manually & select Github plugin in addition to other preselected plugin

- Create Admin user with username and password

#Jenkins CI setup after logging in as admin

#make Jenkins user owner of project directory to execute job

- sudo chown -R jenkins . 

 - From Jenkins dashboard click on create new jobs

 - item name as Ping Pong Championship and select the “Freestyle project” option
 - On the next page, select the “Discard Old Builds” option
 - Click on Advance -> Select Use custom workspace -> paste in directory -> full path till project directory (eg. /home/devuser/projects/ping-pong-championship/)
 - In soure code Mgmt select -> git -> repo Url -> ->      Add -> enter credentials. In Branches to build use -> */master
- In Build -> Add Build step -> Select Execute Shell -> Paste following script

      #activate virtual env

      source env/bin/activate

      #install requirements

      pip install -r requirements.txt

      #project directory

      cd player_service/

      #run server
      BUILD_ID=dontKillMe python runserver 8001 &

      cd ../referee_service 
      BUILD_ID=dontKillMe python runserver &

- Save the Project configuration

- Click Build Now to manually trigger job and start servers for both microservices

#Access REST API's through Postman


#Play Game

- On successful build Play the Game by importing Postman API collection

- Game flow is defined by the order of API's in Postman collection

- If you feel stuck or what to do next Run Get Referee Instructions Api


A virtual Ping-Pong championship, which features 8 players and 1 referee (all 9 implemented as distinct applications). The 8 players will be instances of the same app, with different attributes, defined in an external file







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