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This project houses either our community & enterprise Maven Bill Of Materials for third party usage.


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Our 3rd party Bill Of Materials (BOM)

This project houses either our community & enterprise Maven Bill Of Materials for third party usage.

Maven POM

Our root parent POM provide some defaults plugin and dependency configurations that'll be used internally by out community and enterprise applications and can also be used and any third external application as a base reference for their applications or maven based projects.


As an opensource project, anyone of you guys whom intent to enhance or fix any issue related to this repository is very welcome. To do so, you can then clone this repository as follow:

git clone
cd djanta-java-parent
mvn clean verify

Once you passed the verification step, you can start contributing to your enhancement or fixiture.


Simply define the following <parent> in your pom.xml:

  <version>[THE VERSION YOU TARGET]</version>


Table Of Content

Using the BOM dependencies (TOC)

This BOM provides version and scope for all 3rd-party dependencies required we use for our own community and enterprise libraries, components and services.

As we provided all the 3rd-party dependencies as managed, importing this BOM does not automatically create your project dependencies, it just makes the version informations available so that the underling project POM dependencies section just needs to be update as needed with the groupId & artifactId for the given 3rd-party dependendy.

With this in mind, managing and maintaining your project dependencies version will be delegate by default the BOM. To be able to use the 3rd-party managed version dependencies in your project, you'll be required to import the BOM as follow:


Using the parent POM (TOC)

As we also pre-bundle some sort of plugins configuration to perferm some minimum requirement such as: jaccoco, Code stylecheck, Code formatting, Header licensing and much more, we strongly recommend that you take avantage on this by directly your main project POM as child of our root level POM.

Inhieriting from io.djanta:parent:[VERSION] give you the following capabilities for your maven build:

  • Java version compiler. As today, the current verson of our parent POM provide a support for java (8) compiler. This will be updated as peer of the djanta-java-parent versioning.
  • Enterprise DevOps compliant Maven reslease plugin setup
  • Code analysis prereqs (Junit test running, Covertura coverage generation)
  • Create a -source JAR and a -javadoc JAR as the component.

To inherit form djanta-java-parent, edit or create the parent element in your application's project POM, as follow:


How to update (TOC)

When we update our io.djanta:parent or io.djanta:djanta-java-bom then we should follow the release process provided in ./travis/

Once we have release the artifacts, we also update their entries in all our community and/or enterprise subadjacent dependencies.

Coding Style (TOC)

As we've strongly organize and normalized the project structure, if you occasionally need to either manually upgrade or downgrade a dependency or a plugin version, you can then do so.

To specify which version of a dependency or plugin you'd like to use, simply place the following fragment within the property tag of your project POM configuration as global property or at at any profile property level.

<maven.plugin.{PLUGIN_NAME}.version>any expected version</maven.plugin.{PLUGIN_NAME}.version>

Naming Convention

To ensure a better comprehension, better stability and easy maintainable either pluging version, dependency version or any specific configuration, we've established a simple naming convention as follow.

Doing so, we strongly recommend while declaring your:

Plugin version:

To prefix the property with: maven.plugin. then suffixed with .version. Therefore, the final result will look somewhat like this: <maven.plugin.{PLUGIN_NAME}.version>MY VERSION</maven.plugin.{PLUGIN_NAME}.version>


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" 
    ... or

Dependency version:

To prefix with the dependency groupId: org.slf4j. then suffixed with .version. Therefore, the final result will look somewhat like this: <org.[slf4j].version>MY VERSION</org.[slf4j].version>


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" 
    ... or


Also to generalize your plugin configuration properties, we strongly recommend that you define that you define those properties as follow: <mvn.{PLUGIN_NAME}.{PROPERTY_NAME}>MY VALUE</mvn.{PLUGIN_NAME}.{PROPERTY_NAME}>


This project houses either our community & enterprise Maven Bill Of Materials for third party usage.




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