For those who wish to separate MERN Boilerplate into the client and server, this repo is for the server. This project is meant to be used alongside MERN Client.
- Operating System: MacOS or Linux
- Node.js (I recommend installing with NVM)
- Homebrew (to install MongoDB)
npm install
# Install MongoDB
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community
Start the database
brew services start mongodb-community
Start the server
npm start
npm test
npm run lint
npm run lint:fix
npm run test:verbose
npm run test:coverage
npm run test:watch
Note: This is now a github template project. This makes copying the contents of the project into a new repo very simple.
To setup your own project, you will need to copy the contents of this project into a new repo. You will need to update the content in these files to names of your project and yourself:
- package.json: name, version, description, repository, author, bugs, homepage
- LICENSE: (update to your preferred license)
- this
This is also a good time to go through the included libraries to add or remove features that you want.
After this you can commit the files into a new repository and push up to your github. You can now start updating files in your client to begin working on your own project!
- server
- passport
- database
- routes
- config
- scripts
Express - Node Application Framework
MongoDB - Document Database
Mongoose - MongoDB Framework
Passport - Authentication Framework
Ramda - Functional Library
ESLint - Code Linter
Jest - Testing Framework