Hi guys,
It's Diogo Fagundes...Product Manager, Advertising Professional, former dj and developer, lover of many things like photography, cats, music, motorcycles, drones and technology.
I work with technology since 1998 leading development teams. Started managing and maintaining small networks and servers, hardware and infrastructure...ended up learning HTML and soon I was programming and having a brief contact with a lot of languages and technologies. It doesn't took me much time to find out that my passion was creating websites, by this time using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and MYSQL.
Outsite the networks, hardware and development universe, I had oportunity to work with a variety of areas like photography, covering and producing events and parties, survey and market research, communication and marketing advice and a few other areas.
Even facing so many diferent possibilities, the converging point was always one: technology as tool to solve people problems
The goal for my life and my carreer was getting clear: work on bussiness that could change people's lifes through technology.
Working with web creation for basically 2 decades, I've been in contact with different developing systems and tools and had the opportunity to found my own agency (Vila do Site) when I was able to get all the bussiness management and tech knowledge togheter and make a dream come true by creating and developing solutions to efectivelly make the difference in small bussiness.
Unfortunally Vila do Site had difficult times handling the COVID-19 pandemic effects as most small bussiness and had to close doors in 2021. Since then I've been working as Product Owner at Calindra leading development teams that mantain Ame Digital's miniapp platform.
Actually I work as Product Manager/Bussiness Developer at Calindra, developing the miniapps platform that allow bussiness partners to integrate miniapps into Ame Digital's Superapp and making possible to bring new solutions to daily users problems inside Ame's Superapp in a fast, reliable, secure, scalable and simple way.
Furthermore, I'm part of Eitri team, a new development platform that was created based on Calindra's years of experience on mobile development for main e-commerce brazillian market players.
Eitri is a mobile development platform that makes it easy to develop and publish new features in your app and helps to lower costs and raise productivity, enhancing software delivery and allowing you to focus on product with intelligent metrics that strengthen your product performance.