Demo project of HTTP proxy server with JWT encoded header injection support.
Requirement: Python 3.10, SQLAlchemy, Flask, uWSGI
Note that local server usage is for testing only!
Install the requirements:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run server:
$ python3 -m proxy.uwsgi
For older Flask versions, you can use FLASK_ENV to enable development config:
$ FLASK_ENV=Development python3 -m proxy.uwsgi
Status page should be available now: http://<ip_or_domain>:8077/api/v1/status
Default server public port is 8077.
You can change it by setting environment variable HTTP_PORT via CLI:
$ HTTP_PORT=7171 python3 -m proxy.uwsgi
or via .env file.
Build docker image:
$ make build
Start proxy:
$ make
$ make start
Status page should be available now: http://<ip_or_domain>:8077/api/v1/status
Stop proxy:
$ make stop
Restart proxy:
$ make restart
Display docker logs:
$ make logs
Default server public port is 8077.
You can change it by setting environment variable HTTP_PORT via CLI:
$ HTTP_PORT=7171 make build
$ HTTP_PORT=7171 make start
$ HTTP_PORT=7171 make test
or via .env file.
Proxy status page:
$ [GET] /api/v1/status
Proxy JWT injection:
$ [POST] /api/v1/proxy-jwt
Payload: { "payload": "sample_data" }
Returns: JSON with original + injected JWT headers, original payload
Proxy dummy echo service:
$ [POST] /api/v1/echo
Payload: { "payload": "sample_data" }
Returns: JSON with original headers and original payload
CURL testing example:
$ curl http://localhost:8077/api/v1/proxy-jwt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "payload": "sample_data" }' -v | jq .
Python unittest is using to cover test cases. Below installs test env requirements and run the tests.
$ make test
Logs are stored to the 'logs' dir inside container.
Logs dir is also exposed via docker-compose "volumes", so you can check log files directly at 'logs' dir where docker-compose is called from.
system.log - Contains system events and requests data
db.log - Contains database related events
uwsgi.log - Contains uWSGI HTTP server events
In-code documentation is avaiable:
$ python3 -c "import proxy; help(proxy)"