This repository contains example code in the form of IPython Notebooks (now also known as Jupyter Notebooks).
The examples load data from Stratigy, a key-value based representation of stratigraphical data in a PostgreSQL database, with a web frontend written in Python, and a JSON-based API.
For working with stratigraphic data with Stratigy, follow these simple steps:
- go to and create a site representing the location of your stratigraphical record
- enter your stratigraphical records for this site
- clone this repository or download the notebook
- install Python and the required packages
- start the notebook and substitute the Site-ID with your own
- start playing!
For Windows users, I recommend using the Anaconda Python distribution.
On Linux, Python should be already preinstalled. However, I recommend creating a virtual environment and installing the packages in there, to avoid conflicts with system packages.
The example code needs the following Python extensions, which you can
install for example with pip install <package>
- matplotlib
- pandas
When you have Python and the dependencies installed, clone this repo and start the notebook server locally:
# clone it
git clone
# change into the repo folder
cd stratigy_demo_ipython
# start the notebook
ipython notebook
You should then see a browser tab opened showing the available notebooks in the folder. Open one of it and start exploring.