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Leetcode - Java

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ID Difficulty Problem Topics Link
0001 Easy Two Sum Array, HashMap solution
0002 Medium Add Two numbers LinkedList, Recursion
0011 Medium Container With Most Water Array, Two Pointers, Greedy solution
0015 Medium Three sum Array, Two Pointers, Sorting solution
0022 Medium Generate Parentheses String, Dynamic Programming, Backtracking solution
0036 Medium Valid Sudoku Array, HashTable, Matrix solution
0042 Hard Trapping Rain Water Array, Two Pointers, Dynamic Programming, Stack solution
0049 Medium Group Anagrams Array, HashTable, String, Sorting solution
0121 Easy Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Array solution
0125 Easy Valid Palindrome String, Two Pointers solution
0128 Medium Longest Consecutive Sequence Array, HashSet solution
0150 Medium Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Array, Math, Stack solution
0167 Medium Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted Array, Two Pointers solution
0169 Easy Majority Element Array, HashTable, Counting solution
0217 Easy Contains Duplicate Array solution
0219 Easy Contains Duplicate II Array solution
0238 Medium Product of Array Except Self Array solution
0242 Easy Valid Anagram String, HashTable solution
0347 Medium Top K Frequent Elements Array, HashMap, Bucket Sort Solution


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