- Creating a group of friends
- Have a shared calendar
- Track the days you go to the gym/go for a run
- Use an API to create a workout routine
- Use a Weather API to access weather data to allow users to check whether they can go running
- With our application, a user will be able to create a group calendar, add his friends to the group calendar, and then compete with others in the group by comparing how many times in a month everyone in the group went to the gym. Users will also be able to create a weekly workout schedule, and be able to search for exercises depending on their difficulty, muscle group, and the type of exercise. With the weather API, users will also be able to check whether or not they can go on a run on a specific day.
- https://developers.google.com/calendar
- Access an API to get data about exercises
- https://rapidapi.com/mortimerbrian135/api/exerciseapi3/
https://openweathermap.org/api API documentation for openweather: https://openweathermap.org/api/one-call-3 API example call https://api.openweathermap.org/data/3.0/onecall?lat=33&lon=33&appid=4f85438c9d278629158c7d8380d0d69f&unitsZz
API key: 4f85438c9d278629158c7d8380d0d69f
Photo of using postman for open weather
Here is an example of the code running, where you can see the weather is: "clear sky". Thus, the user should be able to go on a run.