This plugin is a fork from the original AnySearch by Matt Swain.
Use a custom search engine in the Safari address bar, or disable searches completely and with nice feature, interpret special domains as real life domains, without interpreting as search string ;)
Take a look at to understand how it basically work.
The additional functionality is hopefully itself descriptive ...
specialDomainListAsArray.some( checkTopLevelDomain, additonalParameters )
if ( additonalParameters.specialDomainFound === true ) { = "http://" + e.query
function checkTopLevelDomain( topLevelDomainString ) {
var topLevelDomainStringAsRegEx = new RegExp ("\." + topLevelDomainString.trim() + "$")
if ( topLevelDomainStringAsRegEx.test( this.query ) === true ) {
this.specialDomainFound = true
return true
return false