Using @stidges' code for bootstrap forms to create a composer package. You can find the original article here:
composer require manavo/laravel-bootstrap-forms ~0.1
Make sure you comment out the existing HtmlServiceProvider (Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider):
// File (Laravel 4): app/config/app.php
// OR
// File (Laravel 5): config/app.php
return array(
// ...
'providers' => array(
// ...
// 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider',
// ...
// ...
No change is necessary for the Form Facade.
{{ Form::open([ 'route' => '' ]) }}
{{ Form::openGroup('title', 'Title') }}
{{ Form::text('title') }}
{{ Form::closeGroup() }}
{{ Form::openGroup('status', 'Status') }}
{{ Form::select('status', $statusOptions) }}
{{ Form::closeGroup() }}
{{ Form::close() }}