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DataLoader for .NET

A port of Facebook's DataLoader for .NET.

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This project began as a solution to the select N+1 problem for GraphQL .NET but was implemented as a standalone package that is completely decoupled from any framework.

It leverages .NET's async/await feature to enable query batching (a la Facebook's Dataloader) that should work out of the box, without requiring significant changes to an existing codebase.

If anyone finds this useful outside of GraphQL, feel free to drop me a message - I'm interested to know of other potential applications that could be catered to.

Check out the sample to see it used in a GraphQL implementation.


Facebook's implementation runs in Javascript and takes advantage of the event loop to fire any pending requests for ID's collected during the previous frame. Unfortunately, not all .NET applications run in an event loop.

As such, we have defined a special frame or context to contain our load operations. Whenever we want to use a loader, we should be inside one of these contexts. A simple way to do this is by calling the static DataLoaderContext.Run method. This method takes a user-supplied delegate and runs it in within a new context, before actually executing any loaders that were called within it.


There are two ways loaders can be used.

Method 1: Bound/explicit context (recommended)

With this approach, loader instances are obtained for a particular context using the context's GetDataLoader methods. Along with the user-supplied fetch callback, these methods also take a key for caching and reusing instances.

var results = await DataLoaderContext.Run(async loadCtx =>
    // Here we obtain a loader using the context's factory method.
    var droidLoader = loadCtx.Factory.GetDataLoader<int, Droid>("droids", ids =>
        using (var db = new StarWarsContext())
            return db.Droid.Where(d => ids.Contains(d.Id)).ToListAsync();

    // Queue up some loads.
    var task1 = droidLoader.LoadAsync(1);
    var task2 = droidLoader.LoadAsync(2);
    var task3 = droidLoader.LoadAsync(3);

    // Await the results... Control is yielded to the framework and the loader is fired.
    var results = Task.WhenAll(task1, task2, task3);

    // We have the results, but let's load some more! Run ensures that asynchronous
    // continuations behave like the initial call - ID's should be collected and
    // fetched as a batch after continuations have run.
    var task4 = droidLoader.LoadAsync(4);
    var task5 = droidLoader.LoadAsync(5);

    // Return all our results.
    return (await Task.WhenAll(task4, task5)).Concat(results);

Example 2: Unbound/implicit context

// Create a floating/unbound loader that will attach itself to the context
// that's currently active at the time a load method is called.
var personLoader = new DataLoader<int, Person>(ids =>
    using (var db = new StarWarsContext())
        return db.Person.Where(p => ids.Contains(p.Id)).ToListAsync();

var results = await DataLoaderContext.Run(async () =>
    // We have an implicit context here.
    Debug.Assert(DataLoaderContext.Current != null);

    // Queue up some person loads.
    var task1 = personLoader.LoadAsync(1);
    var task2 = personLoader.LoadAsync(2);
    var task3 = personLoader.LoadAsync(3);

    // Await the results... Control is yielded to the framework and the loader is fired.
    var results = await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2, task3);

    // We have the results, but let's load some more! Run ensures that asynchronous
    // continuations behave like the initial call - ID's should be collected and
    // fetched as a batch after continuations have run.
    var task4 = personLoader.LoadAsync(4);
    var task5 = personLoader.LoadAsync(5);

    // Return all our results.
    return (await Task.WhenAll(task4, task5)).Concat(results);

To Do

  • Basic support
  • Support async fetching
  • Cancellation
  • Benchmarks
  • Multithreaded performance


  • Single worker thread to service loaders
  • Sync context to handle async/await in load continuations