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Setup Information

Dennis Maidon edited this page Sep 18, 2020 · 1 revision

The following information is required for WBDA (WeatherBridge Data Archive) to function properly.

Ambient Weather Information



These keys are created on your Ambient Weather account page.

Update interval (Interval, in minutes in which you wish to view the current information on the Ambient Weather server.)

Ambient Weather Station name (The Ambient tab will use this for the tab header. Default: Ambient)

Year Station was started. (User for the all-time records header)

Enable Ambient update

Log the Ambient Weather data headers to log file. (good for debugging)

Weatherbridge/Meteobridge Information

Login information



Network Ip Address of device

Enable Weatherbridge/Meteobridge data dump

Update intervals

Archive (Seconds)

Records (Minutes)

Weatherbridge/Meteobridge data dump (Minutes)

Elevation (Used to calculate the Cloud Base for the archived information (CSV files)