An Arduino implementation of Hunt The Wumpus.
- An Arduino
- An Adafruit RGB LCD shield or Negative Adafruit RGB LCD shield
- Arduino IDE 1.0
- Adafruit Industries's RGB 16x2 LCD Shield library
- Adafruit Industries's MCP23017 I2C Port Expander library
- Download the most recent ZIP of the project
- Extract the archive
- Rename the folder to Hunt_The_Wumpus
- Open the sketch in Arduino
2013-08-29 JG - The program can now be compiled on Arduino 1.0.5 2013-08-29 JG - Rooms can only contain up to one hazard now (fixed the problem that hazards that were present in the same room didn't show up on the screen) 2013-08-29 JG - Added map.txt