Project - Simple rest api for money transfers without Spring
AWS instance for test: (stopped)
Postman Collection: notForBuild/Rest Api.postman_collection.json
- Build project using maven from the root pom file: mvn clean package
- Go to web/target folder
- Execute command: java -jar web-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
The task was to build rest api using any light-weight frameworks or no frameworks. The solution should run as a standalone application, so it is assumed that any in-memory db should be used. I heard some time ago about Spark(Web, not big data) from course of MongoDb University as rest light weight framework that is very simple. So, I googled some information about it and decided to use it for my solution. What about some db persistence framework? I could use hibernate or myBatis, some people call them light-weight too, but is depends=) I decided to use a new tool for java-db object mapping called sql2o. It has very easy syntax and it is truly light.
I modeled entities in jHipster for the database. Db model may be found in the initial commit in notForBuild top folder. Than I decided to model the project structure. Multi-module architecture has a lot of advantages, so I decided to split project to 2 packages: db and web.
I wrote all issues right here using github Issue Manager. History may be found here:
- Java 8
- Spark java web framework
- Embeded H2 database
- Sql20 - database query library
- HikariCP connection pool
- Project Lombok
- Gson
- jUnit 4
- Mockito
I had already experience of using Jenkins for continuos integration, but I prefere CircleCI. It is free, easy and has very good integration with github. Every commit I make is tested the same time by CircleCi automatically. Another advantage is that I can see status of build right in the repo file(top of this page).
File for creation Docker image may be found in the folder notForBuild/Dockerfile. Instructions are here: notForBuild/docker
I also tested my solution on AWS free tier. I used Ubuntu 18.04 as image. Link to the application may be found on the top of the page.