The US Forms System (USFS) is an open source library and set of guiding principles for building complex web-based forms. It consists of:
- Form widgets that emphasize accessibility, using the US Web Design System (USWDS);
- Navigational frameworks that can be used to split large forms into smaller pages;
- A declarative language and parser for specifying forms, based on JSON; and
- Starter apps that simplify the process of building a form from scratch.
The easiest way to get started is to install one of the starter apps, since they integrate all the components for you. However, you can also build your own sets of widgets or navigational components and use only the declarative language, for example.
TODO: links to updated docs (in a repo, or just markdown?)
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The project is organized as a monorepo containing all the closely-related sub-projects. It is managed by lerna.