Google Spreadsheets script to format NEC PBX settings from table into nec .pcs script
this script work with sheet named 'form' contained settings like this:
Common | PBX | SV9100 | + | COS_restriction_V1.pcs |
Network | IP | | | |
and sheet named 'rules' contained format rules like this:
PBX | Ip-address | Item | Net mask | Item | Gateway | Item |
SL1000* | ||||||
SL2100 | 10-12 | (0,0,0) | 10-12 | (0,0,1) | 10-12 | (0,0,2) |
SV9100 | 10-12 | (0,0,0) | 10-12 | (0,0,1) | 10-12 | (0,0,2) |
*SL1000 is not implemented yet