Adobe After Effects Project Darie's Wallpaper!
The Adobe After Effects Project is a bundle of resources and actions in order to allow the rendering of the same animation presented above or modified as required. It supports Adobe After Effects 2022 and beyond.
- Adobe After Effects (required)
- Open Sans Bold Font (optional)
- VirtualDub (optional)
- APNG2GIF (optional)
- Git (optional)
The [Adobe After Effects Project installation guides] includes instructions for installing the project as part of a local adobe after effects instance.
If you are creating an animated gif with the above adobe after effects project you need to have the same frame rate set into VirtualDub as in Adobe After Effects.
Change the frame rate in VirtualDub: Open VirtualDub > Navigate to Video > Frame Rate > Change Frame Rate.
e.g Frame Rate value: 30 Frames Per Second (FPS).