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[WIP] Refactor Jenkins CI pipeline
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hcho3 committed Apr 17, 2019
1 parent 711397d commit 14e9aa2
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Showing 14 changed files with 341 additions and 278 deletions.
314 changes: 205 additions & 109 deletions Jenkinsfile
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Expand Up @@ -3,129 +3,225 @@
// Jenkins pipeline
// See documents at

import groovy.transform.Field

/* Unrestricted tasks: tasks that do NOT generate artifacts */

// Command to run command inside a docker container
def dockerRun = 'tests/ci_build/'
// Utility functions
def utils

def buildMatrix = [
[ "enabled": true, "os" : "linux", "withGpu": true, "withNccl": true, "withOmp": true, "pythonVersion": "2.7", "cudaVersion": "10.0", "multiGpu": true],
[ "enabled": true, "os" : "linux", "withGpu": true, "withNccl": true, "withOmp": true, "pythonVersion": "2.7", "cudaVersion": "9.2" ],
[ "enabled": true, "os" : "linux", "withGpu": true, "withNccl": true, "withOmp": true, "pythonVersion": "2.7", "cudaVersion": "8.0" ],
[ "enabled": true, "os" : "linux", "withGpu": true, "withNccl": false, "withOmp": true, "pythonVersion": "2.7", "cudaVersion": "8.0" ],
dockerRun = 'tests/ci_build/'

pipeline {
// Each stage specify its own agent
agent none
// Each stage specify its own agent
agent none

environment {
environment {

// Setup common job properties
options {
timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES')
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10'))
// Setup common job properties
options {
timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES')
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10'))

// Build stages
stages {
stage('Jenkins: Get sources') {
agent {
label 'unrestricted'
steps {
script {
utils = load('tests/ci_build/jenkins_tools.Groovy')
stash name: 'srcs', excludes: '.git/'
milestone label: 'Sources ready', ordinal: 1
// Build stages
stages {
stage('Get sources') {
agent { label 'linux && cpu' }
steps {
script {
stage('Jenkins: Build & Test') {
steps {
script {
parallel (buildMatrix.findAll{it['enabled']}.collectEntries{ c ->
def buildName = utils.getBuildName(c)
utils.buildFactory(buildName, c, false, this.&buildPlatformCmake)
} + [ "clang-tidy" : { buildClangTidyJob() } ])
stash name: 'srcs'
milestone ordinal: 1
stage('Formatting Check') {
agent none
steps {
script {
parallel ([
'clang-tidy': { ClangTidy() },
'lint': { Lint() },
'sphinx-doc': { SphinxDoc() },
'doxygen': { Doxygen() }
milestone ordinal: 2

* Build platform and test it via cmake.
def buildPlatformCmake(buildName, conf, nodeReq, dockerTarget) {
def opts = utils.cmakeOptions(conf)
// Destination dir for artifacts
def distDir = "dist/${buildName}"
def dockerArgs = ""
if (conf["withGpu"]) {
dockerArgs = "--build-arg CUDA_VERSION=" + conf["cudaVersion"]
stage('Build') {
agent none
steps {
script {
parallel ([
'build-cpu': { BuildCPU() },
'build-gpu-cuda8.0': { BuildCUDA(cuda_version: '8.0') },
'build-gpu-cuda9.2': { BuildCUDA(cuda_version: '9.2') },
'build-gpu-cuda10.0': { BuildCUDA(cuda_version: '10.0') },
'build-jvm-spark2.4.1': { BuildJVMSpark(spark_version: '2.4.1') },
'build-jvm-doc': { BuildJVMDoc() }
milestone ordinal: 3
def test_suite = conf["withGpu"] ? (conf["multiGpu"] ? "mgpu" : "gpu") : "cpu"
// Build node - this is returned result
retry(1) {
node(nodeReq) {
unstash name: 'srcs'
echo """
|===== XGBoost CMake build =====
| dockerTarget: ${dockerTarget}
| cmakeOpts : ${opts}
// Invoke command inside docker
sh """
${dockerRun} ${dockerTarget} ${dockerArgs} tests/ci_build/ ${opts}
${dockerRun} ${dockerTarget} ${dockerArgs} tests/ci_build/test_${test_suite}.sh
if (!conf["multiGpu"]) {
sh """
${dockerRun} ${dockerTarget} ${dockerArgs} bash -c "cd python-package; rm -f dist/*; python bdist_wheel --universal"
rm -rf "${distDir}"; mkdir -p "${distDir}/py"
cp xgboost "${distDir}"
cp -r python-package/dist "${distDir}/py"
# Test the wheel for compatibility on a barebones CPU container
${dockerRun} release ${dockerArgs} bash -c " \
pip install --user python-package/dist/xgboost-*-none-any.whl && \
pytest -v --fulltrace -s tests/python"
# Test the wheel for compatibility on CUDA 10.0 container
${dockerRun} gpu --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=10.0 bash -c " \
pip install --user python-package/dist/xgboost-*-none-any.whl && \
pytest -v -s --fulltrace -m '(not mgpu) and (not slow)' tests/python-gpu"
stage('Test') {
agent none
steps {
script {
parallel ([
'test-python-cpu': { TestPythonCPU() },
'test-python-gpu-cuda8.0': { TestPythonGPU(cuda_version: '8.0') },
'test-python-gpu-cuda9.2': { TestPythonGPU(cuda_version: '9.2') },
'test-python-gpu-cuda10.0': { TestPythonGPU(cuda_version: '10.0') },
'test-cpp-gpu': { TestCppGPU(cuda_version: '10.0') },
'test-cpp-mgpu': { TestCppGPU(cuda_version: '10.0', multi_gpu: true) },
'test-jvm-test': { TestJVM() },
'test-r-3.4.4': { TestR(r_version: '3.4.4') },
'test-r-3.5.3': { TestR(r_version: '3.5.3') }
milestone ordinal: 4

* Run a clang-tidy job on a GPU machine
def buildClangTidyJob() {
def nodeReq = "linux && gpu && unrestricted"
node(nodeReq) {
unstash name: 'srcs'
echo "Running clang-tidy job..."
// Invoke command inside docker
// Install Google Test and Python yaml
dockerTarget = "clang_tidy"
dockerArgs = "--build-arg CUDA_VERSION=9.2"
sh """
${dockerRun} ${dockerTarget} ${dockerArgs} tests/ci_build/
// check out source code from git
def checkoutSrcs() {
retry(5) {
try {
timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') {
checkout scm
sh 'git submodule update --init'
} catch (exc) {
error "Failed to fetch source codes"

def ClangTidy() {
node('linux && cpu') {
unstash name: 'srcs'
echo "Running clang-tidy job..."
container_type = "clang_tidy"
docker_binary = "docker"
dockerArgs = "--build-arg CUDA_VERSION=9.2"
sh """
${dockerRun} ${container_type} ${docker_binary} ${dockerArgs} tests/ci_build/

def Lint() {
node('linux && cpu') {
unstash name: 'srcs'
echo "Running lint..."
// commented out for now, until another PR to migrate lint to Python 3 gets merged
//container_type = "lint"
//docker_binary = "docker"
//sh """
//${dockerRun} ${container_type} ${docker_binary} make lint

def SphinxDoc() {
node('linux && cpu') {
unstash name: 'srcs'
echo "Running sphinx-doc..."
container_type = "lint"
docker_binary = "docker"
sh """#!/bin/bash
CI_DOCKER_EXTRA_PARAMS_INIT='-e SPHINX_GIT_BRANCH=${BRANCH_NAME}' ${dockerRun} ${container_type} ${docker_binary} make -C doc html

def Doxygen() {
node('linux && cpu') {
unstash name: 'srcs'
echo "Running doxygen..."
container_type = "lint"
docker_binary = "docker"
sh """
${dockerRun} ${container_type} ${docker_binary} tests/ci_build/

def BuildCPU() {
node('linux && cpu') {
echo "Build CPU"

def BuildCUDA(args) {
node('linux && cpu') {
echo "Build with CUDA ${args.cuda_version}"

def BuildJVMSpark(args) {
node('linux && cpu') {
echo "Build XGBoost4J-Spark with Spark ${args.spark_version}"
container_type = "jvm"
docker_binary = "docker"
// Download cached Maven repository, to speed up build
s3Download file: 'tests/ci_build/maven-repo-cache.tar.bz2', bucket: 'xgboost-ci-jenkins-artifacts', force: true, path: 'maven-repo-cache.tar.bz2'
sh """
${dockerRun} ${container_type} ${docker_binary} tests/ci_build/

def BuildJVMDoc() {
node('linux && cpu') {
unstash name: 'srcs'
echo "Building JVM doc..."
container_type = "jvm"
docker_binary = "docker"
s3Download file: 'tests/ci_build/maven-repo-cache.tar.bz2', bucket: 'xgboost-ci-jenkins-artifacts', force: true, path: 'maven-repo-cache.tar.bz2'
sh """
${dockerRun} ${container_type} ${docker_binary} tests/ci_build/ ${BRANCH_NAME}
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "jvm-packages/${BRANCH_NAME}.tar.bz2", allowEmptyArchive: true
echo 'Deploying doc...'
s3Upload file: "jvm-packages/${BRANCH_NAME}.tar.bz2", bucket: 'xgboost-docs', acl: 'PublicRead', path: "${BRANCH_NAME}.tar.bz2"

def TestPythonCPU() {
node('linux && cpu') {
echo "Test Python CPU"

def TestPythonGPU(args) {
node('linux && cpu') {
echo "Test Python GPU: CUDA ${args.cuda_version}"

def TestCppGPU(args) {
node('linux && cpu') {
echo "Test C++, CUDA ${args.cuda_version}"
if (args.multi_gpu) {
echo "Using multiple GPUs"

def TestJVM() {
node('linux && cpu') {
echo "Test JVM packages"

def TestR(args) {
node('linux && cpu') {
echo "Test R package: R version ${args.r_version}"

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