cwlScala is a Scala wrapper around cwljava v1.2, the Java parser for the Common Workflow Langauge. Also included is an evaluation engine for CWL expressions (which are ECMAscript 5.1), which is based on the rhinos wrapper of the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript engine.
// parsing a CommandLineTool
import java.nio.file.Paths
import dx.cwl.{CommandLineTool, Parser}
object ParserExample {
val tool: CommandLineTool = Parser.parse(Paths.get("../../test/resources/tools/pass/action.cwl")) match {
case tool: CommandLineTool => tool
case _ => throw new Exception("not a CommandLineTool")
} { param =>
println(s"${}: ${param.types}")
import dx.cwl._
object EvalutatorExample {
val evaluator: Evaluator = Evaluator(jsEnabled = true)
val ctx: EvaluatorContext = EvaluatorContext(inputs = ObjectValue(
"name" -> StringValue("Ned")
val msg: String = evaluator.applyString("Hello $(!")
- JDK 11
- Scala 2.13
- sbt
cwlScala is published in the Maven repository. You can include it in your build.sbt file like so:
val cwlScalaVersion = "0.1.0"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.dnanexus" % "cwlScala" % cwlScalaVersion
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ sbt publishLocal
cwlScala is not an official product of DNAnexus. Please do not contact DNAnexus (or any employees thereof) for support. To report a bug or feature request, please open an issue in the issue tracker.