This system was built to assist nurses and laborants by manipulating and controlling COVID-19's: {Sick, Sick-Encounters and Tests}. Main funcionallity: 1.The nurse can add sick people to the system, as well as sick encounters. 2.The laborant can update test results and assosiate it to a person. 3.Every system user can view sick, isolated, healed, and sick-per-city statistics.
The system was designed and implemented in Python by Ram Rokach and Eden Nathan in 2021.
This project was implemented with the MVC design-artitechtual pattern:
This way we accmoplished a loosly-coupled and generic design for our system. This means we gain minimum dependency between the components. It allows fast-modification of one of the components with minimum changes on other components.For example, in order to change the View from Console to Web-App, all there's to do is to implement the View-Interface functions with a web app and change the main function.
This project was implemented with the Data Access Layer approach: In order to seperate our data-management from our business-logic(Controller) and presentation code (View), we use DAL - this way, if we have to change data stores, we don't end up rewriting the whole system. For example, in order to change the Data-Management system from Python lists to MySQL, all we need to do is to implement the DAL interface as a MySql class and change the main function.
Run the main file from the CLI, and give it a commands-file.txt (see HelpTest.txt for example): python HelpTest.txt