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Simple BSV Faucet

Netlify Status License: MIT

A modern, responsive Bitcoin SV (BSV) faucet built with React, TypeScript, and the latest @bsv/sdk. Features a clean UI, bonus system, and rate limiting capabilities.

Built With

  • 🚀 React 18 - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • 📘 TypeScript - Type-safe JavaScript
  • Vite - Next Generation Frontend Tooling
  • 💎 @bsv/sdk v1.3+ - Modern TypeScript SDK for Bitcoin SV
  • 🎨 CSS3 - Custom styling with modern CSS features


  • 🎯 Clean, responsive UI with modern CSS
  • 💎 Random bonus rewards system
  • 🔒 Rate limiting capabilities
  • 📝 Transaction metadata via OP_RETURN
  • ⚡ Real-time balance updates
  • 🔄 Automatic UTXO management
  • 🛡️ Type-safe BSV operations with @bsv/sdk

Quick Start

Deploy to Netlify

Deploy to Netlify

  1. Click the "Deploy to Netlify" button above
  2. Connect your GitHub account
  3. Configure the following environment variables:

Local Development

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd simple-bsv-faucet

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Create and configure environment variables
cp .env.example .env

# Start development server
npm run dev


Environment Variables

  • VITE_PRIVATE_KEY: Your BSV private key in WIF format (Keep this secure!)
  • VITE_FAUCET_AMOUNT: Base amount for each claim (in satoshis)
  • VITE_BONUS_RANGE: Range for bonus rewards (format: "min-max")

Rate Limiting

The faucet includes built-in rate limiting for specific addresses. Modify the delay in src/App.tsx:

if (recipientAddress === "your_address") {
  setStatus("Processing claim...");
  await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 30000)); // 30 second delay
  throw new Error("This address is rate limited");

Transaction Metadata

Each transaction includes OP_RETURN data with your faucet identifier:

lockingScript: new Script([
  { op: OP.OP_FALSE },
  { op: OP.OP_RETURN },
    op: OP.OP_PUSHDATA1,
    data: Array.from(new TextEncoder().encode(FAUCET_IDENTIFIER)),

Security Considerations

⚠️ Important Security Notes:

  1. Never expose your private key in client-side code in production
  2. Consider implementing server-side rate limiting for production use
  3. Test thoroughly on testnet before deploying to mainnet
  4. Monitor your faucet balance and set up alerts


UI Theming

Modify src/App.css to customize the appearance:

:root {
  --background: #13111c;
  --primary: #8b5cf6;
  --text: #ffffff;
  /* Add your custom variables */

Bonus System

Adjust bonus probability and amounts in src/utils/hooks.ts:

const BONUS_PROBABILITY = 0.05; // 5% chance
const BONUS_RANGE = [500, 2000]; // in satoshis


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


If you find this project helpful, consider donating to: 1KaMouXsastUR5kdoiWUaHmpBuBnY9Xevg

Built with ❤️ for the Bitcoin community