import ""
or if you prefer using master
(which may be arbitrarily ahead of or behind v1
NOTE: as of Go 1.6, go get
correctly clones the Github default branch (which is v1
in this repo).
import ""
_Note: This project has moved from
. Lann remains the architect of the
project, but we're helping him curate.
Squirrel is not an ORM. For an application of Squirrel, check out structable, a table-struct mapper
Squirrel helps you build SQL queries from composable parts:
import sq ""
users := sq.Select("*").From("users").Join("emails USING (email_id)")
active := users.Where(sq.Eq{"deleted_at": nil})
sql, args, err := active.ToSql()
sql == "SELECT * FROM users JOIN emails USING (email_id) WHERE deleted_at IS NULL"
sql, args, err := sq.
Insert("users").Columns("name", "age").
Values("moe", 13).Values("larry", sq.Expr("? + 5", 12)).
sql == "INSERT INTO users (name,age) VALUES (?,?),(?,? + 5)"
Squirrel can also execute queries directly:
stooges := users.Where(sq.Eq{"username": []string{"moe", "larry", "curly", "shemp"}})
three_stooges := stooges.Limit(3)
rows, err := three_stooges.RunWith(db).Query()
// Behaves like:
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username IN (?,?,?,?) LIMIT 3",
"moe", "larry", "curly", "shemp")
Squirrel makes conditional query building a breeze:
if len(q) > 0 {
users = users.Where("name LIKE ?", fmt.Sprint("%", q, "%"))
Squirrel wants to make your life easier:
// StmtCache caches Prepared Stmts for you
dbCache := sq.NewStmtCacher(db)
// StatementBuilder keeps your syntax neat
mydb := sq.StatementBuilder.RunWith(dbCache)
select_users := mydb.Select("*").From("users")
Squirrel loves PostgreSQL:
psql := sq.StatementBuilder.PlaceholderFormat(sq.Dollar)
// You use question marks for placeholders...
sql, _, _ := psql.Select("*").From("elephants").Where("name IN (?,?)", "Dumbo", "Verna")
/// ...squirrel replaces them using PlaceholderFormat.
sql == "SELECT * FROM elephants WHERE name IN ($1,$2)"
/// You can retrieve id ...
query := sq.Insert("nodes").
Columns("uuid", "type", "data").
Values(node.Uuid, node.Type, node.Data).
Suffix("RETURNING \"id\"").
You can escape question mask by inserting two question marks:
SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE meta->'format' ??| array[?,?]
will generate with the Dollar Placeholder:
SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE meta->'format' ?| array[$1,$2]
Squirrel is released under the MIT License.