Shortest path finding with A* algorithm for Unity.
List<Node> nodes = new List<Node>(); //create nodes list to store nodes on the scene
List<Edge> edges = new List<Edge>(); //create edges list to store edges on the scene
// follows basic (NODE - EDGE - NODE) structure
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) //add vertices to the nodes list
Vector3 point = transform.TransformPoint(vertices[i]);
var node = new Node(point, i);
//add connections between vertices to the edges list
//Use PathFinder3000's method to find the path.
PathFinder3000.Search(this.ALL_NODES[vertexIndex1], this.ALL_NODES[vertexIndex2]);
// (startingNode, destinationNode) as parameters.
//Visualize the path using a line renderer:
ShowThePath(PathFinder3000.Search(this.ALL_NODES[vertexIndex1], this.ALL_NODES[vertexIndex2]));