This repository contains a web application that allows users to book a table at FoodCircles, a restaurant. The webpage is styled using the SASS/SCSS preprocessor for CSS.
Users can fill out the reservation form to book a table at the restaurant.
The entered information is saved and displayed in the reservation list table on the webpage (FrontEnd - The reservation list is cleared when the page is reloaded).
- Javascript
During the development of this project, I gained the following knowledge and skills:
- Basics of SASS/SCSS: including the use of variables, nesting, modules, mixins, inheritance, and SASS functions.
- Responsive web design techniques using flexbox and the @media rule.
- JavaScript skills utilized in the project:
- Manipulating the HTML DOM using JavaScript.
- Working with regular expressions in JavaScript.
- Utilizing JavaScript modules with import and export statements.
You can access the live demo of the Restaurant Booking Webpage by clicking here