KiwiCloud takes usage statistics into a sqlite db and creates tag-clouds as png
Statistics are taken from KiWi's /users json statistics. You have to be in KiWi's local network to get those data.
For now it's beta and not fully dynamic configurationwise. Please look at the code and modify as you need. Feel free to contribute changes.
git clone
cd to your kiwicloud directory
cd kiwicloud
python3 -s [serverurl] -p [serverport] -d [0|1]
python3 -s -p 8073 -d 1
It will generate 3 PNG files that you can use for your website. You will have to upload / copy them to your destination manually. I use an every 1 minute cron job that just copys *.png over to my webserver.
If you want to start over new, just delete kiwicloud.db - it will be created blank on next run.
To run in background I use tmux like this:
tmux new-session -c /home/pi/kiwicloud -d -n KiwiCloud -s KiwiCloud \; send-keys "python3" Enter
This actually opens a new tmux session, starts the python with kiwicloud. You can then list your tmux sessions with
tmux ls
and attach to the session with
tmux a -t KiwiCloud
In the terminal it looks like this: (can be run in background, i use tmux for that)