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Custom Contact Forms Build Status Dockunit Status

Build beautiful custom forms the WordPress way.

Note: Version 6.0 breaks backwards compatibility. You will need to perform a database update after upgrading from anything pre 6.0. You may also need to reconfigure some of your forms.


The problem of form creation in WordPress has been tackled many different ways. Custom Contact forms handles forms the WordPress way. The plugin provides a seamless user experience for managing your forms through the comfort of the WordPress media manager modal. CCF does not have as many features as some of it's competitors but instead provides you with just what you need. Custom Contact Forms is a legacy plugin name. The plugin can handle all types of forms not just contact forms.


  • WordPress 3.9+
  • PHP 5.2.4+


Install the plugin in WordPress, you can download a zip via Github and upload it using the WP plugin uploader.


You can create and manage forms within a post by clicking the Add Form button next to the Add Media button:

Add a form in a post

Select or create a new form and click Insert into post:

Insert a form into a post

You can also add a form to your theme or plugin using PHP:

if ( function_exists( 'ccf_output_form' ) ) {
    ccf_output_form( FORM_ID );

Form Settings

Each form has a number of settings that you should understand.

  • Title - The main title for the form. This will be shown to the end user above the form.

  • Description - A form description that will be shown to the end user below the form title.

  • Button Text - This text will be shown to the end user on the submit button.

  • On form completion - When a form is completed you can show a message or perform a browser redirect

    • Completion Message - If you choose to show a message, you can customize the message to be shown.
    • Redirect URL - If you choose to perform a redirect, you can customize the redirect URL.
  • Pause - Pausing a form will temporarily disable new form submissions on the front end.

    • Pause Message - This message will be shown if the form is paused.

Form Notifications

  • Send email notifications - When a form is completed, you can have an email sent with submission information.

    If email notifications are turned on, you can configure the following:

    • "To" Email Addresses - Enter email addresses here that should receive the notification. Multiple email addresses should be comma separated.
    • "From" Email Address Type - This allows you to set what email address the notification is sent from. WordPress Default will use the default WordPress email address. Custom Email will allow you to manually type in a from address. Form Field will allow you to choose an email field within the form to dynamically pull a from email address.


The building block of forms are fields. Each field has it's own set of settings that you can change on a per-field basis.

Standard Field Settings

  • Internal Slug - Every field in a form must have a unique slug. Slugs are auto-generated to make your life easier. This makes it easier to develop with CCF.
  • Label - A label shows up above a field and is visible to the form user.
  • Description - A description shows up below a field and is visible to the form user.
  • Initial Value - A fields value upon loading the form.
  • Required - Required fields must be filled out for a form to be submitted.
  • Class Name - You can manually add classes to a fields wrapper element.
  • Placeholder Text - Very similar to Initial Value but makes use of HTML5 placeholder.

Field Types

You can create forms using a number of field types. Certain field types of special field settings that are described below:

Normal Fields
  • Single Line Text - A single line text box. This is the most standard field.

  • Paragraph Text - A multi-line text box.

  • Dropdown - A simple dropdown of choices.

  • Checkboxes - A list of checkable choices.

  • Radio Buttons - A list of choices where only one can be chosen.

  • Hidden - A hidden field.

  • File Upload - Allow users to upload a file.

    • Allowed Files Types - Restrict the file extensions that can be uploaded. If left blank, this will default to whatever is allowed by WordPress.
    • Max File Size - Restrict the max file size allowed to be uploaded. If left blank, will default to whatever is allowed by WordPress and your server.

Note: Choiceable fields all handle choices the same way. Choices can be set with a value and a label. Values are internal, and labels are visible to the end form user. If a choice does not have a value, the choice will not "count". Meaning the field will not be considered filled out if it's required.

Special Fields
  • Email - A simple field that will ensure user input is a valid email address.

    • Require Confirmation - Enabling this will insert another input box where the user must type the same email again.
  • Name - A field with two input boxes, one for first and one for last name.

  • Date/Time - A field to ask for dates and time. You can configure the field to only ask for date or time if you choose.

    • Enable Date Select - Will prompt the user for a date selection.
    • Enable Time Select - Will prompt the user for a time selection.
  • Website - A simple field that will ensure user input is a valid URL.

  • Address - A field for US and international addresses.

    • Type - Allows you to prompt the user for a United States or international address.
  • Phone - A simple field that will ensure user input is a valid phone number.

    • Format - Allows you to prompt the user for a United States or international phone number.
  • reCAPTCHA - A Captcha field using Google's free reCAPTCHA technology. You will need to sign up for reCAPTCHA before this field will work.

    • Site Key - Your Google reCAPTCHA site key.
    • Secret Key - Your Google reCATPCHA secret key.
Structure Fields
  • HTML - An easy way to insert arbitrary HTML into the middle of a form.

    • HTML Content: Supports all HTML tags except <script>.
  • Section Header - Inserts a pre-styled heading to break up your form visually.

    • Heading - Main section heading.
    • Sub Heading - Smaller text below main heading.


CCF provides a very pretty table view for navigating your form submissions.

View Form Submissions

Click the Forms item in the administration menu. Click on the specific form for which you want to view submissions. Scroll to the Submissions meta box. Click one the eye icon to view more information for a specific submission.

Customizing the Form Submissions Table

In the Submissions meta box, you can add and remove columns. Click the cog icon at the top of the meta box to open the screen options panel. In this panel you can check which columns you would like to see in the table.

Download Form Submissions as CSV

In addition to being able to import/export forms with all fields and submissions, you can export submissions for individual forms as .CSV files. Click the icon within the form edit view like so:

Export Submissions as .CSV Files


Custom Contact Forms allows you to import and export forms and form submissions using the default WordPress importer/exporter functionality. You can export all your forms (with submissions) within the standard WordPress export view:

Export CCF Forms

You can also export a single form (with submissions) within the Edit Form screen:

Export Single CCF Form

Both export methods will produce a standard WordPress WXR file. You can import your WXR files using the standard WordPress importer:

Import CCF Forms

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My form(s) will not save. What's wrong?

    You most likely have a theme or plugin conflict. Try deactivating other plugins and activating a default theme. If forms still won't save, please create an issue.

  • Form mail is not getting emailed to me. What's wrong?

    CCF relies on default WordPress email functionality. If CCF email is not sending, most likely no WordPress email is sending. You can test this by trying to send yourself a lost password email. If you don't receive the lost password email, then there is an issue with your host or a plugin/theme conflict.

  • My form won't submit on the front end of my website. What's wrong?

    Most likely there is a JavaScript error on your page that is conflicting with the form. This is the result of a theme or plugin conflict. Try deactivating other plugins and activating a default theme. Another possibility is that your theme does not call wp_head() or wp_footer().



Follow the configuration instructions above to setup the plugin. I recommend developing the plugin locally in an environment such as Varying Vagrant Vagrants.

If you want to touch JavaScript or CSS, you will need to fire up Grunt. Assuming you have npm installed, you can setup and run Grunt like so:

First install Grunt:

npm install -g grunt-cli

Next install the node packages required by the plugin:

npm install

Finally, start Grunt watch. Whenever you edit JS or SCSS, the appropriate files will be compiled:

grunt watch


Within the terminal change directories to the plugin folder. Initialize your unit testing environment by running the following command:

For VVV users:

bash bin/ wordpress_test root root localhost latest

For VIP Quickstart users:

bash bin/ wordpress_test root '' localhost latest


  • wordpress_test is the name of the test database (all data will be deleted!)
  • root is the MySQL user name
  • root is the MySQL user password (if you're running VVV). Blank if you're running VIP Quickstart.
  • localhost is the MySQL server host
  • latest is the WordPress version; could also be 3.7, 3.6.2 etc.

Run the plugin tests:


This plugin contains a valid Dockunit file for running unit tests across a variety of environments locally (PHP 5.2 and 5.6). You can use Dockunit (after installing it via npm) by running:


Extending the Plugin

Coming soon.


If you identify any errors or have an idea for improving the plugin, please open an issue.


Custom Contact Forms is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


Build beautiful custom forms the WordPress way.






No packages published


  • PHP 51.0%
  • JavaScript 36.2%
  • CSS 9.5%
  • HTML 2.8%
  • Shell 0.5%