The Webhooks Sample App is a Docusign sample application written in Ruby on Rails (server) and React (client). You can find a live instance running at
The Webhooks Sample App demonstrates the following:
- Authentication with Docusign via JSON Web Token (JWT) Grant.
- Bulk sending multiple envelopes: (Source) This example uses the Docusign eSignature REST API to Bulk Send multiple envelopes based on PDF document template, and filling data dynamically.
- Tracking user signing progress with the Docusign Connect webhook service. After the request has been sent to Docusign, the app awaits for webhook requests from Docusign Connect and displays the result on UI.
- Elastic signing: (Source) This example demonstates signing process of a Docusign elastic template document.
- Sending out a confirmation envelope after a successful elastic signature: (Source) This example uses the Docusign eSignature REST API, demonstrating how to create an envelope. The example sends an envelope based on PDF template.
- A Docusign developer account. Create a free account.
- A Docusign integration key (client ID) that is configured to use JSON Web Token (JWT) Grant.
You will need the integration key itself and its RSA key pair. Copy your RSA key pair into a file in your config folder
. You must also add your application's Redirect URI to your integration key. To run the app locally, this should behttp://localhost:3000/auth/docusign/callback
. This video demonstrates how to create an integration key (client ID) for a user application like this example. - Ruby 3.1.2
- Node.js v16+
- app_url - http://localhost:3000
- jwt_integration_key - The integration key is the same as the client ID
- impersonated_user_guid - Your User ID
- signer_email - Your API account Email
- signer_name - Your API account Name
- authorization_server - for the development environment
- aud -
for the development environment
Clone project into folder ./sample-app-webhooks-ruby
git clone
cd sample-app-webhooks-ruby
Copy appsettings.example.yml
and fill it in with your settings taken from Docusign Developer Account.
cp config/appsettings.example.yml config/appsettings.yml
Create a secure URL for your app to receive webhook notifications using ngrok.
ngrok http 3000
- open
- Change {NGROK_HOST} to the URL generated by ngrok in the previous step
config.hosts << ""
The ruby script included with this project sets up a custom Connect configuration with the same settings that the hosted app uses at You'll need to provide a name for your new custom connect configuration as well as the URL to publish which, if running locally using ngrok, should follow the format https://{YOUR_NGROK_HOST}
- Navigate to the root folder of the app
cd sample-app-webhooks-ruby
- Run the ruby script
ruby create_connect_configuration.rb
- Provide the name and URL to publish for your connect configuration when prompted.
- Check to view or edit your new custom Connect configuration!
Select "ADD CONFIGURATION" --> "Custom"
Add a name for your custom Connect configuration
In the
URL to Publish
field enterhttps://{YOUR_NGROK_HOST}
. This will allow Connect to send request to your local environment. -
subscribe to the events you wish your app to receive notifications for. Events for this app include
Envelope and Recipients:
Envelope Sent Envelope Delivered Recipient Auto Responded Recipient Signed/Completed Recipient Declined Recipient Finish Later Include Data: Custom Fields Recipients
Docusign Click:
Click Agreed Click Declined
Select "Enable Mutual TLS"
NOTE: The first time you run the app with a new client id, you must grant consent for the application to perform actions on behalf of the user. Fill in your integration key and redirect url to the following consent url template and visit{jwt_integration_key}&redirect_uri=#{redirect_uri}
to grant consent.
To build app:
docker compose build
To start app:
docker compose up
To prepare DB and run migrations, open new terminal and run:
docker compose exec web rake db:create db:migrate
To shutdown app - just stop the console with Ctrl+C. One should note docker containers will only be stopped if Ctrl+C is used. To stop environment and remove stopped containers, run:
docker compose down
rvm install ruby-3.1.2
rvm use 3.1.2
On Linux
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis-server
sudo service redis start
On Mac
brew install redis
brew services start redis
On Mac
brew install postgresql@14
brew services start postgresql
rvm recognize ruby version and create new gemset
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Use NVM and Node.js version 16+.
yarn install
Open a browser to http://localhost:3000
This repository uses the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.