Primitive unstable and incomplete Python library to work with Telegram's Secret Chats based on Pyrogram.
This library was just a test of mine, i don't even remember if it works 💀.
Note This library is not maintained anymore, it was made for personal use and is not production ready.
This project is basically derived from painor/telethon-secret-chat and Telegram's docs.
The e2e schema is taken from tdlib.
I don't know if this library is even useful, but i'm sharing it anyway.
Warning This library is not stable, it may not work at all, i can't guarantee its security, some pre-generated raw methods are already provided because the generator is pretty broken.
git clone
cd pyrosecret
pip install .
from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram_secret_chat import SecretChatManager
from pyrogram_secret_chat.types import SecretEvent
import logging
from io import BytesIO
from pyrogram_secret_chat.raw.e2e import DecryptedMessageMediaPhoto
from pyrogram_secret_chat import save_photo
client = Client("prod2", test_mode=False, api_id=123456, api_hash='yourapihash')
ids = []
async def replier(event: SecretEvent):
print("event received")
if event.decrypted_event.raw.message:
if event.base_update.message.chat_id not in ids:
await event.reply("Hello there!")
await event.reply(event.decrypted_event.raw.message) # parse_mode is markdown by default
if and isinstance(, DecryptedMessageMediaPhoto):
bio = BytesIO()
media =
save_photo(event.decrypted_event, bio)
sc = manager.get_secret_chat(event.base_update.message.chat_id)
await manager.send_secret_photo(sc, bio, bio, media.thumb_w, media.thumb_h, media.w, media.h, media.size, media.caption)
async def new_chat(chat, created_by_me):
if created_by_me:
print("User {} has accepted our secret chat request".format(chat))
t = "nuova chat top secret {}".format(chat)
await client.send_message("me", t)
await client.send_message("me", "admin id: {}".format(chat.admin_id))
log = logging.getLogger('secretchats')
manager = SecretChatManager(client, auto_accept=True,
new_chat_created=new_chat) # automatically accept new secret chats
manager.add_secret_event_handler(func=replier) # we can specify the type of the event
Note Due to the fact that secret chats are end-to-end encrypted, if the user tries to accept a secret chat which was already accepted from another session (for example if the user is online from an official client).
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Everyone is welcome to contribute to this project maybe even continuing it.