Releases: dolphinotaku/PPSP-360_Degree_Evaluation_System
on the individual report
fixed: marks result is displayed incorrectly in marks table
fixed: auto line height for question title in marks table
fixed: auto line height for comments title
with third-party dependence
At the very beginning, the core of this system came from one of my project AngularJS-CRUD-PHP on GitHub.
I want to make sure the third-party dependance in the same and hope to provide support in composer/npm/bower, so this project excluded the third-party files.
The time was past, now I focus to enrich the core functionalities (AngularJS-CRUD-PHP). The third-party dependance may be broken, this core may no longer compatible with the main tree of it.
So I upload the third-party source here, for you who want to still use the version 1.0.0.
This project may be refactoring after I upgraded the main core.
Incremental 1 Delivery
The major features are ready to use.
*Core function 1
Master Data Preparation (reference data within and across various subject areas.)
- Department
- Position
- Staff Grade
- Staff
- Evaluation
- Vendor
Import / Export Master Table (Department, Position, Staff Grade, Vendor)
Import / Export Staff Table
*Core function 2
Questionnaire Design
Generate Evaluation Proposal
Evaluation Proposal Entry
360 Degree Evaluation Entry
*Core function 3
Individual Report(View for his/her own self)