Reflexive is a web based live class and source code browser. It's meant to simplify navigating the code bases which make heavy use of metaprogramming techniques and/or have large amount of classes dispersed between many files. Particularly I wrote it to have a better tool to navigate Arel source code.
Live means that it runs next to your loaded application and reflects on the actual live classes. Since most of the metaprogramming tricks happen at load time we can get precise information on what the classes are composed of, which methods they respond etc. That's something that is either impossible or very hard with the static code analysis tools like RDoc or YARD.
Reflexive is a Sinatra app and can be used stand-alone or mounted as Rack app
from your Rails application. Reflexive is based on standard 1.9.2 Ruby library
utilizing Method/UnboundMethod
classes, methods/instance_methods
methods for reflection and
Ripper parser for code navigation. Checkout Reflexive: Live Class And Source Code Browser
blog post for longer introduction.
Check out sample output for Date, FileUtils, ActiveRecord::Base classes.
Note: demo project is running on Heroku with Ruby 1.9.1 which has some known issues with reflection capabilities which are fixed in 1.9.2, consult Ruby 1.9.1 Known Bugs section for details.
It includes
Class ancestor chain
Files in which methods of the class were defined
Constants nested inside module/class
Class descendants
Class and instance methods grouped by class/module they're defined in and visibility. Clicking on any method leads to the method definition opened in Source Browser.
Check out sample output for uri/common.rb, ostruct.rb, rubygems.rb files.
Features include: clicking constants will try to open them in Class Browser, method
calls with constant receiver or without explicit receiver will be resolved
according to Method Lookup section and open the target method in Source Browser.
Clicking blabla
in require "blabla"
will take you to the blabla.rb
, and
clicking local variable will highlight the place where the variable was introduced
with acid pink (ouch!) background.
Methods called without explicit receiver are searched according to the following algorithm
Look for the method defined by the class
Look for methods defined by derived classes or including modules, i.e. by going down the inheritance tree
When all of the above fails last resort lookup which just searches the named method in all classes.
Reflexive requires the most recent version of Ruby you can get. With RVM installed
> rvm install ruby-1.9.2-head
> rvm use ruby-1.9.2-head
> gem install reflexive
Add to your application Gemfile
gem "reflexive"
Add to config/application.rb
config.middleware.insert_after("Rack::Lock", "Reflexive::Application")
Run the server in production environment with
rails server --environment=production
Reflexive Dashboard should be available at http://localhost:3000/reflexive/dashboard
Add to your application config/environment.rb
config.gem "reflexive"
config.middleware.insert_after("Rack::Lock", "Reflexive::Application")
Run the server in production environment with
ruby script/server --environment=production
Reflexive Dashboard should be available at http://localhost:3000/reflexive/dashboard
If you want to use Reflexive outside of Rack environment just place the following lines in your script
require "reflexive/application"!
This will block execution and start Reflexive as stand-alone Sinatra app. Reflexive Dashboard should be available at http://localhost:4567/reflexive/dashboard
Class methods are reported as owned by class even when they are only inherited (leads to a lot of class methods reported incorrectly)
Can't locate methods created with
> git clone git://
> cd reflexive
> bundle install # install gems required in development
> rbdev # place ./lib on $RUBYLIB, see
> rake # run specs
> SINATRA_RELOADER=1 bundle exec rackup -p 4567 -s thin # run development server with class reloading
MIT License. Copyright © 2010 Evgeniy Dolzhenko.