A Library to Exchange Boundary Conditions via Sockets in OpenFOAM
Blame : Dominic Chandar dominic.chandar@gmail.com
Currently Tested on OpenFOAM v2.3.0
Contents are as follows:
OpenFOAM/db/socketStream: Intended to be in the "stream" format of C++, the current version used standard send/recv for socket communication. Send and receive is performed via special boundary conditions described below. Future releases will have the required operators overloaded for easy send and receive.
finiteVolume/..../socketFvPatchField{V}: Boundary conditions exchange via sockets. Each patch initiates a socket connection. Port numbers change according to the variable.
Can run 2 OpenFOAM solvers on different machines (ONLY) in parallel - The serial version needs a small fix.
Currently runs the exact same solver on Server and Client. Users can however modify the code easily to run different solvers on the Server and Client respectively. The server and client communicate when correctBoundaryConditions() are called.
The server and the client both interpolate data using the pointToPointPlanarInterpolation class. However the number of boundary faces must match - A minor fix to make arbitrary number of faces.
The test case in tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam demonstrates running simpleFoam for the flow past an airfoil where a "near" body region uses a turbulence model whereas the "far" region does not.