RubberDucky payloads So these are RubberDucky scripts - payloads i made (some of them have the idea grabbed from others but i give them credit in the scripts.)
They use RubberDucky 1.0 language bc flipper doesen't want to support 2.0 and 3.0 :(( (plz flip devs make it so it can support them)
You can use them on: RubberDucky usbs, FlipperZero, O.M.G cables and more. Tho these are designed for the FlipperZero but i think they can work on these three too (if not - i recommend to change some of the delays to bigger or smaller)
!!!!!!!!!!Use at your own risk, IAM not responsible if anything bad happens YOU are!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW if you need more RubberDucky scripts I recommend to check out UberGuidoZ