This module contains functions for time series analysis, including visualizations, statistical tests,
and model evaluation metrics.
- pandas: for data manipulation and analysis.
- matplotlib.pyplot: for plotting.
- seaborn: for advanced plotting.
- scipy.signal: for signal processing functions, including periodograms.
- statsmodels: for statistical modeling, including time series analysis.
- sklearn.metrics: for model evaluation metrics.
1. show_periodogram(data, detrend='linear', ax=None, fs=365, color='brown'):
Displays the periodogram of the given time series data.
2. show_seasonal(df, period, freq, ax=None, title=None, x_label=None, y_label=None):
Creates seasonal plots for visualizing seasonal patterns in time series data.
3. show_lags(data, n_lags=10, title='Lag Plots'):
Generates lag plots to visualize the autocorrelation of a time series.
4. adf_test(df):
Performs the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to check for stationarity in the time series.
5. show_correlogram(data, lags=6, ACF=True, PACF=True):
Plots the Autocorrelation Function (ACF) and Partial Autocorrelation Function (PACF) of the time series.
6. evaluate(models_forecast, test_set, view='results'):
Evaluates multiple forecasting models and displays their performance metrics.
7. split_data(df, train_proportion = 0.8):
Splits a DataFrame into training and testing sets.
All Functions: from time_series.ts_tools import *
Some Functions: from time_series.ts_tools import show_seasonal, show_periodogram