This repository contains my Udacity Cloud Developler capstone project. In the following I will give you some information and remarks on setting up the project.
The client app (/client-app) is written in angular and uses the angular material ui framework. The authentication is done via Auth0 and you can login using e.g. your gmail account.
- Auth0: in case you are using your own Auth0 authentication, please adapt the variables in the file client-app/src/assets/config/auth-config.json:
domain: ""
clientId: ""
- Update the api endpoint url according to the
apiEndpoint: 'https://$$api-gateway-id$$'
to to the serverless.yml file in /backend and edit the following variables:
stage: ${opt:stage, 'dev'} # the environmet you choose to deploy
region: ${opt:region, 'eu-west-1'} # your region
S3_BUCKET: # unique name of the bucket used for image upload
AUTHID: # authID of your application
deploy your serverless application:
sls deploy -v
you can find it in: images/kanbanignore.mp4