Wonky is a port of slacking, to the JVM written in Java
and Micronaut.
- A landing page you can point users to fill in their emails and receive an invite (
Docker Engine
To build & run wonky you need a Slack API token
. Note that the user you use to generate the token must be an admin. You may want to create a dedicated @wonky-inviter user (or similar) for this.
You can find your API token here
Once you have the token, you need to write the configuration file
The configuration file is very simple to write, it's a YAML
- !!wonky.service.SlackOrganization
token: "xoxp-..."
wonkyDomain: "localhost:8080"
NOTE: Wonky supports multiple organizations (aka multitenancy), Wonky will use the domain (HOST http header) to select the right token. Consider this.
- !!wonky.service.SlackOrganization
token: "xoxp-..."
wonkyDomain: "localhost:8080"
- !!wonky.service.SlackOrganization
token: "xoxp-..."
wonkyDomain: "slack.myorganization.com"
We strongly recommend you write and name the config file as orgs_ignored.yaml
and save it to the root source of wonky, in git is marked as ignored.
In order to run properly the test, you have to provide the following Environment Variables
You can configued as follows in the shell:
$ export WONKY_TENANTS_FILE=./orgs_ignored.yaml
$ export WONKY_TEST_EMAIL_PREFIX=something
Now you can build wonky from source :)
$ ./gradlew clean build
By default wonky runs on port 8080
, as any Micronaut
application you can chance the port as you wish.
$ ./gradlew run
Alternatively, you can run Wonky with Docker as a container:
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -v `pwd`/orgs_ignored.yaml:/etc/wonky/tenants.yaml domix/wonky:0.3.7