(Damn Simple Brainwave Interface)
This is simple and modular interface for EEG acquisition. Analog part is brought from BioAmpExg. The goal of this project is easy assemblation by everyone with very small experience in electronics. Circuit was tested with ESP32 and AVR Attiny13.
Data are sent as raw unsigned 12-bit integer wave with sample rate 512 Hz in following format:
unsigned short meteredValue = HHHH HHLL LLLL
unsigned char firstByte = 10HH HHHH # ( 0x80 | ( (meteredValue >> 6) & 0x3F) )
unsigned char secondByte = 01LL LLLL # ( 0x40 | (meteredValue & 0x3F) )
- Interface: UART
- Sample rate 512 Hz
- Raw wave 12-bit unsigned short
- Sampling in 12-bit without oversampling
- Hardware UART 8-N-1
- Baudrate: 38400
- Sampling in 10 bit with oversampling
- Software UART 8-N-2
- Baudrate: 19200