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Donavon West edited this page Jun 8, 2015 · 5 revisions

Static and Object Definitions

Storeit (constructor)

Storeit(namespace:string, storageProvider:Provider):Storeit

In order to use StoreIt, you must instantiate an instance. It takes two required and one optional parameter as follows:

  • namespace:string - the namespace for your store. Example: "album" or "grocery".
  • storageProvider:Provider - Any of the storeit-provider-xxx providers. Currently the only provider is WebStorage.


var Storeit = require("storeit");
var StoreitProvider = require("storeit-provider-webstorage");
var StoreitSerializer = require("storeit-serializer-json");

// Create a JSON serializer.
var jsonSerializer = new StoreitSerializer();

// Create a WebStorage provider that uses sessionStorage. 
var providerOptions = {
    localOrSessionStorage: window.sessionStorage,
    allSerializers: [jsonSerializer],
    metadataSerializerName: "JSONSerializer",
    preferredItemSerializerName: "JSONSerializer"
var sessionStorageProvider = new StoreitProvider(providerOptions);

// Create a store.
var groceryStore = new Storeit("grocery", sessionStorageProvider);


Storeit.EventName is an enum containing the following actions:

  • added
  • modified
  • removed
  • cleared


Storeit.Action is an enum containing the following actions. These are part of the Result object returned by store.set and store.delete.

  • none
  • added
  • modified
  • removed


A Result object has the following properties:

  • action:Action - The action taken as one of the Action enum values. Action is a property on the static Storeit. ex: Storeit.Action.modified.
  • key:string - The key that was used.
  • value:Any - The actual value stored (in case of store.set) or deleted (in the case of store.remove). This may or may not be the same as the value passed into store.set. This may occur if you are setting a partial object. This is the value that would be returned on subsequent calls to store.get. In the case of a store.remove, value is the value that was deleted.

store Methods

Once you have a store object (calling new Store as discussed above), you can use the following methods:



Returns true if the key is found.


store.set(key?:string, value:Object):Result

This will add (if the key does not exist) or modify (if it exists) an object in the store.


  • key?:string - The unique key that you wish to set. If you do not specify a key, Storeit will derive the key from the value using the primaryKey value set in options (default = "id")
  • value:Any - The value that you wish to set. value may be an object, array, number, or a string. You may pass a "partial" object that will "extend" into any existing object.

To tell if the operation added a new key, or modified an existing key, you can look at the action property of the returned Result object.

Example (assuming key does not exist):

result = store.set({id: "ID123", foo:""});
// result.action = Storeit.Action.added
// result.key = "ID123"
// result.value is {id: "ID123", foo:""}

result = store.set("ID123", {bar:""});
// result.action = Storeit.Action.modified
// result.key = "ID123"
// result.value is {id: "ID123", foo:"", bar:""}

Note: This will also publish either an EventName.added or a EventName.modified event.


store.get(key:string, defaultValue?:Any):Any

This will get an object in the store that matches key. If no key exists, the defaultValue is returned. If defaultValue is not specified, undefined is returned.


  • key:string - The unique key that you wish to set.
  • defaultValue:Any - The default value if the key is not found.

Example (assuming key does not exist):

value = store.get("ID123"); // value is undefined
value = store.get("ID123", {foo: "bar"}); // value is an object {foo: "bar"}



Removes a key from the store. If they key is not found, a "key doesn't exist" exception is thrown. If the removal was successful, Result.value will contain the removed value.

Note: This will also publish a EventName.removed event.



This is an ES5 friendly version of store.remove. Use only if your application will be running only on modern browsers.


store.forEach(callback:Function< value:Any, key:string, store:Storeit >):Void

Storeit will call callback once for each item in the store.


store.forEach(function (value, key, store) {
    console.log('key="%s", value="%s"', key, value);

Note: The parameter order in the callback represents a breaking change from versions prior to 1.1.0. This was made to be in line with ES6. See here for more information.



Deletes all keys from the store.

Note: This will also publish a EventName.removed event for each item removed (you must set Option.publishRemoveOnClear) and a cleared event upon completion.



Loads all keys from the store's data store. You MUST call load before using the store object.

Note: This will also publish a EventName.added event for each item loaded.


store.on(eventName:EventName, callback:Function< value:Any, key:string >):Function

Listens for published events.


var EventName = Storeit.EventName;

function onModified(value, key) {
    console.log('You modified the key "%s"', key);

store.on(EventName.modified, onModified); // onModified will be called whenever any value in the store is modified.

The function returned by on is an unsubscribe function.


var unsubscribe = store.on(EventName.modified, onModified);

// The following two lines are equivalent.
unsubscribe();, onModified);


store.once(eventName:EventName, callback:Function< value:Any, key:string >):Function

Same as store.on but automatically removes the listener after the first event. Just like in on above, the function returned by on is an unsubscribe function., callback:Function):Void

Stops listening to published events.

Example:, onModified);


store.onMatch(pattern:string|RegExp, callback:Function< eventName:string, value:Any, key:string >):Function

Listens for multiple events. The pattern may be either a wildcard string or a Regular Expression.


store.onMatch("*", function (eventName, value, key) {
    console.log("event=%s, key=%s, value=", eventName, key, value);

store Properties



Set to true if you have called store.load or store.clear, otherwise false.



An array representing every key in the store.



The namespace that you passed to the constructor.



Where Options has the following properties:

  • publish:Boolean - Specifies whether this store should publish events. (default = true)
  • publishRemoveOnClear:Boolean - Specifies whether EventName.removed events are published for each item when calling store.clear. (default = false)
  • primaryKey:string - If you call set and exclude the key, Storeit will use this key. (default = "id")