locality-sensitive hashing index, learning to hash. an alternative to index large scale high dimensional data.
import numpy as np
from gensim import models
from lsh.rhplsh import RHPLSH
from lsh.itqlsh import ITQLSH
from lsh.lsh import LSH
from lsh.index import Index
w2v = models.Word2Vec.load('./w2v_model/word2vec.model')
n_bit = 20
n_dim = 200
n_table = 5
rhplsh = RHPLSH(n_bit=n_bit, n_dim=n_dim, n_table=n_table)
w2v_index = Index(rhplsh)
now = datetime.now()
idx = 0
for v in w2v.syn0:
w2v_index.index(v, idx)
idx += 1
print '\nINDEX COST: ' + str(datetime.now() - now)
w2v_index.save('w2v') # Four files will be generated: `w2v.index`, `w2v.docinfo`, `w2v.docid`, `w2v.planes`
w = 'word'
rs_list, recall_num = w2v_index.query(w2v[w], topk=30, key_dist=1, dist_func=LSH.cosine_dist)
print 'query: %s' % w
print 'recall num: %d' % recall_num
for word_id, dist in rs_list:
print w2v.index2word[word_id], dist