AutoHotKey scripts I use for quality of life improvements and mouse issues.
You'll have to customize some of these.
audio_switch.ahk: switch between monitor speakers and headphones pressing 1 key (Scroll Lock) (need NirCmd installed and in Path). Shows an icon with the audio output device in taskbar.
edge_url_incognito.ahk: open an URL in clipboard in Edge in incognito pressing 1 key (Pause).
left_click.ahk: left click in my mouse stopped working today so I remapped it to Esc.
mouse_back_fix.ahk: back button in my mouse sometimes does double click and it's annoying. This script fixes that.
mousewheel_button.ahk: middle button (wheel click) doesn't work in my mouse so I remapped it to Caps Lock.
mpv_video.ahk: open any video, URL or path in mpv. Uses yt-dlp so it works with Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc.
spotify_stop.ahk: stops Spotify when song ends if I press the Launch Media Player key. Spotify window has to be open for this to work.