You'd probably want to check out file to learn more on the architecture of the project layout.
Partial example of a service using hexagonal architecture approach with Go package oriented design. This serves as an example how to design Go services without a framework, high decoupling and easy testability. The example isn't 100% completed or fully covered, but good enough example on how it should look like. It will probably gain more polishing as there is always stuff to be added or updated, but for now, lets start with this.
Bellow is an example of how the file for the service should look like.
Won't get too much into the service itself, it's for you to discover and isn't too important, but to keep it shot, the Simple Gopher is a web API service that integrates with image resize service for resizing images and storing that data and integrates with AWS Cognito for authentication.
- Configuration
- Developing
- Open Api 3 documentation
- Testing
- Migrations
- Troubleshooting
- Helpful materials
Configuration of the application is done through the environment variables, which are following:
Required environment variables:
Environment variable name | Required | Description |
PORT | Optional | Default value is 3000 |
DEBUG_ROUTES | Optional | Default value is false, set to true for local endpoint debugging |
AWS_REGION | Required | Example: eu-central-1 |
AWS_USER_POOL_ID | Required | Example: eu-central-1_somenumber |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Required | AWS IAM key id used for API to talk with AWS services |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Required | Secret for the above key |
DATABASE_URL | Required | Example postgresql://postgres:example@localhost/db?sslmode=disable |
IMAGES_API_DOMAIN | Required | Endpoint for the image service API |
CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS | Required | List of origins to allow CORS in format:,, |
SQS_POST_AUTH_URL | Required | Url of the SQS queue |
SQS_POST_AUTH_INTERVAL_SEC | Optional | Interval in which the API will pool the queue for user registration events. Default value is 600 |
SQS_POST_AUTH_CONSUMER_DISABLED | Optional | Default value false, set value to true to turn off in modes like local development to avoid messing with production |
BASIC_AUTH_REALM | Optional | Name of the realm for authentication, default is Forbidden |
BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME | Optional | Username used for basic authentication |
BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD | Optional | Password used for basic authentication |
OAUTH2_AUTHORIZATION_CODE_URL | Optional | Url for OAuth2 authentication in format<your-client-id>&redirect_uri=<your-redirect-uri> |
OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL | Optional | Url for OAuth2 token retrieval in format |
DOMAIN | Optional | Name of the domain the app is being served from, like localhost:3000 or |
- Go v1.17
- PostgreSQL
- Docker and docker-compose
You will need to create a new aws cli profile locally and use it with credentials for this API. To create it
execute aws configure --profile your-profile
then export AWS_PROFILE=your-profile
- Set the environment variables. It's also recommended storing them in
file which is ignored for ease of management. Export variables in each row likeexport MY_VARIABLE=1234
, then load the env variables withsource .env
- Ensure that you start the database and all the other required services by running:
docker-compose up -d
- After setting the environment variables, execute the
make start
command to build and start the server
- Remove dependency by removing all occurrences of the library in imports and execute:
go mod tidy
Golang implementation of OpenApi3 specification aka Swagger through dynamic configuration with Swagger UI.
We use Swagger-UI with some small changes in order for it to fetch changes from our API where we can set the redirection url for OAuth2.
Documentation is added/updated in src/api/http-transport/openapi3.go
, served via
with swagger UI located in src/api/http-transport/docs
Ensure that you set the DATABASE_TEST_URL
environment variable, reason for new one is for safety reasons.
export DATABASE_TEST_URL=postgresql://postgres:example@localhost/db?sslmode=disable
# Also, disable the pooling, we don't need it for testing
make verify
Unit testing with integration testing
make verify
Go provides a great tool for checking out code and detecting possible bugs, think of it as a linter. To run it execute:
make vet
Some of the static checks that vet
lacks can be be checked with staticcheck. You will need
to install it to be able to run it.
make check
Ensure that you run the migrations before running end-to-end tests.
TBD: create separate e2e test execution
To run the migrations, you must set the database connection url through environment variable:
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:example@localhost/db?sslmode=disable
Note that the sslmode=disable
is for local development only, for production you should use ssl encryption.
BE CAREFUL WHEN REVERTING! Migrations are done with Go library golang-migrate/migrate and are executed with following commands:
make migrate_up
to update the schema to the latestmake migrate_up_step
to update the migration one step upmake migrate_down
to revert the schema one step down
It's paramount to follow best practices to ensure you don't break anything.
For CI/CD ensure that you always run migrations before deploying your new app, like a pre-run action. For rollbacks, also ensure that you first close the application before running the migration down command. As always, for specific cases you will need to pay attention if you need code that supports both versions, so it doesn't crash if the change is drastic.
CI/CD is currently on the Heroku and additional options that were added for it are located in go.mod
file as:
- Build phase
// +heroku goVersion 1.17
// +heroku install ./cmd/...
- Run phase in
They specify the Go version and build location. Builds will end up in bin/
directory. Other thing to note is that
the bin/go-post-compile
and bin/go-pre-compile
will execute if they exist, so use them for pre and post actions.
It is recommended to execute both unit and integration tests, as well as building the app before pushing to git.
# Test
make test
More about Heroku options can be found at the Go Buildpack.
- Error when building:
open /usr/local/go/pkg/darwin_amd64/runtime/cgo.a: permission denied
sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/go
- How to clear test cache? Execute
go clean -testcache