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Simple and structured approach to creating animation loops, using looping noise and rendering GIF images.

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createLoop provides a simple and structured library for creating animation loops in the browser.

Ye be warned This is a baby library and has a lot of growing up to do. Bugs and breaking changes ahoy. Contributions very welcome.

For p5 implementation see p5.createLoop

Features include:

  • noise loops
  • GIF image rendering

Loop animations can easily be created and rendered as a GIF:

    const loop = createLoop({ 
        canvas })


vanilla simple example


    <script src=""></script>


window.addEventListener('load', _ => {
    const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
    const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
    const loop = createLoop({
        duration: 5,
        framesPerSecond: 30,
        gif: true,


    function render() {
        const hw = canvas.width / 2
        const hh = canvas.height / 2
        const grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(hw, hh, 0, hw, hh, hh)
        grd.addColorStop(0, `hsl(${loop.progress * 360},100%,50%)`)
        grd.addColorStop(1, `white`)
        ctx.fillStyle = grd
        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)


Animations can be synced to the loop using the provided progress and theta properties.

The GIF encoder gif.js uses web workers to render the GIF asynchronously. By default, the GIF will be rendered alongside the sketch and can be downloaded by clicking on it.


This method in the global namespace will return a loop instance. It can receive servarl arguments:

Name Default Description
duration 3 sets the duration in seconds of the loop.
framesPerSecond 30 approximate fps of the loop
noise options See noise options
gif false can accept true or options to be passed to GIF module. Will not create GIF if left undefined. See gif options
//Options can be passed as an object
//or as camelCase

noise options

Name Default Description
radius 1 radius of the circle in a noise field to query
seed Math.random() * 999999 noise field offset
theta loop.theta By defalt is elapsed loop progress around a circle. This can be set in noise functions but not in createLoop

gif options

Name Default Description
render true create an image element and render the GIF to the webpage. Clicking on the image will begin downlaoding the GIF
open false open the gif image in a new tab or window
download false download the gif automatically
fileName image.gif name of the downloaded GIF file
startLoop 0 loop index to begin recording the GIF
endLoop 1 loop index to end recording the GIF
canvas <canvas> the canvas to render. By default this is the first instance of a canvas on the webpage
options {} options to pass to gif.js encoder. see gif.js documentation

Animation Frame Loops

The simplest way to work with this library is to call start(callback) as per the above example. The library then calls requestAnimationFrame internally and will render according to the set framesPerSecond. This will render the canvas at the same frame rate as the GIF animation, giving an easy sense of what the GIF will look like.

When working with frameworks like a-frame where the user has no control over requestAnimationFrame(), or if for some other reason the above method is unsuitable, see this alternative method

Loop instance

The loop instance contains several helpful functions and properties for creating awesome animation loops.

Celebrity attributes

Name Description
start(renderCallback) begin rendering the loop, and call renderCallback on each loop frame
progress stage of completion of the loop. this is elapsedFrames / framesPerLoop and has a range of 0 to 1
theta progress around a circle with a a range of 0 to TWO_PI
noise(options) returns a noise value between -1 and 1 from position theta with radius on a circle in a noise field. See noise options
noise1D(x,options) Same as above also accepting an x value, providing a 1D line of noise for each frame
noise2D(x,y,options) Same as above also accepting a y value, providing a 2D plane of noise
noiseSeed() set the noise seed
noiseRadius() set the default noise radius

Additional attributes

Less common but useful for some.

Name Description
frameDeltaTime miliseconds between frames. This is the delay encoded in each GIF frame.
framesPerSecond number of frames in a second
framesPerLoop number of frames in a loop, this is an integer value of framesPerSecond * duration
elapsedFrames frames elapsed since loop start. This will wrap back to 0 when it reaches framesPerLoop
elapsedFramesTotal total frames elapsed since loop start
elapsedLoops loops elapsed
lastFrameTime time stamp of last frame


Climb aboard! Make an issue or pull request on the gitHub page

Dependencies / License

createLoop provides a simple and structured library for creating animation loops in the browser.
Copyright (C) 2019 Peter Hayman

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

The following libraries are included in createLoop.

This library was developed using techniques described in The Coding Train Coding challenges:

Patch Notes

  • 0.0.8 - 16/04/2019
    • added gifOptions to camelCase arguments
    • fixed bug where console would log incorrect GIF frame count if rendering more than one loop
  • 0.0.7 - 16/04/2019
    • rewrote start() function to work with start dt rather than frame dt to keep in sync with GIF
    • Synchronized GIF image to render on loop
    • added support for module options and moduleOption ie noise.radius or noiseRadius
  • 0.0.5 - 15/04/2019
    • added noiseRadius and noiseSeed to createLoop options
    • added option to override radius and theta in noise() functions
  • 0.0.3 - 14/04/2019
    • added fileName to gif options
  • 0.0.1 - 14/04/2019
    • added start() method, calling requestAnimationFrame internally
  • 0.0.0 - 14/04/2019
    • initial release


  • use gif.js.optimized


Simple and structured approach to creating animation loops, using looping noise and rendering GIF images.


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