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Fix #642 F# generic inner functions compile if no macro needs local t…
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Jand42 committed Feb 10, 2017
1 parent e2ad2cc commit 41dd922
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Showing 9 changed files with 83 additions and 38 deletions.
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions src/compiler/WebSharper.Compiler.FSharp/CodeReader.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -329,13 +329,11 @@ type SymbolReader(comp : WebSharper.Compiler.Compilation) as self =

member this.ReadTypeSt markStaticTP (tparams: Map<string, int>) (t: FSharpType) =
if t.IsGenericParameter then

match tparams.TryFind t.GenericParameter.Name with
| Some i ->
if markStaticTP && t.GenericParameter.IsSolveAtCompileTime then StaticTypeParameter i else TypeParameter i
| _ ->
parsefailf "Failed to resolve generic parameter: %s, found: %s"
t.GenericParameter.Name (tparams |> Map.toSeq |> fst |> String.concat ", ")
let t = getOrigType t
let getFunc() =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -997,7 +995,8 @@ let rec transformExpression (env: Environment) (expr: FSharpExpr) =
Lambda (args, transformExpression env body)
| _ -> failwith "Failed to translate delegate creation"
| P.TypeLambda (gen, expr) -> tr expr
| P.TypeLambda (gen, expr) ->
tr expr
| P.Quote expr -> tr expr
| P.BaseValue _ -> Base
| P.ILAsm("[I_ldelema (NormalAddress,false,ILArrayShape [(Some 0, null)],TypeVar 0us)]", _, [ arr; i ]) ->
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler/WebSharper.Compiler.FSharp/ProjectReader.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,8 +104,11 @@ let isAugmentedFSharpType (e: FSharpEntity) =
(e.IsFSharpRecord || e.IsFSharpUnion || e.IsFSharpExceptionDeclaration)
&& not (
e.Attributes |> Seq.exists (fun a ->
a.AttributeType.FullName = "Microsoft.FSharp.Core.DefaultAugmentationAttribute"
&& not (snd a.ConstructorArguments.[0] :?> bool)
let res =
a.AttributeType.FullName = "Microsoft.FSharp.Core.DefaultAugmentationAttribute"
&& not (snd a.ConstructorArguments.[0] :?> bool)
if res then printfn "found DefaultAugmentation(false) on %s" e.FullName

Expand Down
18 changes: 14 additions & 4 deletions src/compiler/WebSharper.Compiler/Translator.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -624,6 +624,16 @@ type DotNetToJavaScript private (comp: Compilation, ?inProgress) =
// printfn "curried %A: %s" currying (Debug.PrintExpression res)
// res

member this.HandleMacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg(t, macroName) =
match t with
| TypeParameter i
| StaticTypeParameter i ->
this.Error(sprintf "Macro '%s' requires a resolved type argument for type parameter index %d. Mark the member with the Inline attribute." macroName i)
| LocalTypeParameter ->
this.Error(sprintf "Macro '%s' would use a local type parameter. Make the inner function non-generic or move it to module level and mark it with the Inline attribute" macroName)
| _ ->
this.Error(sprintf "Macro '%s' erroneusly reported MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg on not a type parameter." macroName)

member this.CompileCall (info, opts: M.Optimizations, expr, thisObj, typ, meth, args, ?baseCall) =
match thisObj with
| Some (IgnoreSourcePos.Base as tv) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -709,13 +719,13 @@ type DotNetToJavaScript private (comp: Compilation, ?inProgress) =
match fallback with
| None -> this.Error(sprintf "No macro fallback found for '%s'" macro.Value.FullName)
| Some f -> this.CompileCall (f, opts, expr, thisObj, typ, meth, args)
| MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg ->
| MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg t ->
if currentIsInline then
hasDelayedTransform <- true
let typ = Generic (comp.FindProxied typ.Entity) typ.Generics
Call(trThisObj, typ, meth, args |> this.TransformExpression)
this.Error(sprintf "Macro '%s' requires a resolved type argument." macro.Value.FullName)
this.HandleMacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg(t, macro.Value.FullName)
getExpr macroResult
| M.Remote (kind, handle, rh) ->
let name, mnode =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -924,13 +934,13 @@ type DotNetToJavaScript private (comp: Compilation, ?inProgress) =
match fallback with
| None -> this.Error(sprintf "No macro fallback found for '%s'" macro.Value.FullName)
| Some f -> this.CompileCtor (f, opts, expr, typ, ctor, args)
| MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg ->
| MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg t ->
if currentIsInline then
hasDelayedTransform <- true
let typ = Generic (comp.FindProxied typ.Entity) typ.Generics
Ctor(typ, ctor, trArgs())
this.Error(sprintf "Macro '%s' requires a resolved type argument." macro.Value.FullName)
this.HandleMacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg(t, macro.Value.FullName)
getExpr macroResult
| _ -> this.Error("Invalid metadata for constructor.")

Expand Down
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion src/compiler/WebSharper.Core/ASTTypes.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -247,6 +247,8 @@ and Type =
| VoidType
/// used for F# statically resolved type parameters
| StaticTypeParameter of int
/// used for F# inner generics
| LocalTypeParameter

override this.ToString() =
match this with
Expand All @@ -262,6 +264,14 @@ and Type =
| ByRefType t -> "byref<" + string t + ">"
| VoidType -> "unit"
| StaticTypeParameter i -> "^T" + string i
| LocalTypeParameter -> "'?"

member this.IsParameter =
match this with
| TypeParameter _
| StaticTypeParameter _
| LocalTypeParameter -> true
| _ -> false

member this.AssemblyQualifiedName =
let combine (n, a) = n + ", " + a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,19 +305,21 @@ and Type =
"Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2[[" + a.AssemblyQualifiedName + "],[" + r.AssemblyQualifiedName + "]]", "FSharp.Core"
| ByRefType t -> getNameAndAsm t
| VoidType -> "Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Unit", "FSharp.Core"
| LocalTypeParameter -> "$?", ""
getNameAndAsm this |> combine

member this.TypeDefinition =
match this with
| ConcreteType t -> t.Entity
| StaticTypeParameter _
| LocalTypeParameter
| TypeParameter _ -> invalidOp "Generic parameter has no TypeDefinition"
| ArrayType _ -> invalidOp "Array type has no TypeDefinition"
| TupleType _ -> invalidOp "Tuple type has no TypeDefinition"
| FSharpFuncType _ -> invalidOp "FSharpFunc type has no TypeDefinition"
| ByRefType t -> t.TypeDefinition
| VoidType -> invalidOp "Void type has no TypeDefinition"

member this.SubstituteGenerics (gs : Type[]) =
match this with
| ConcreteType t -> ConcreteType { t with Generics = t.Generics |> (fun p -> p.SubstituteGenerics gs) }
Expand All @@ -318,6 +330,7 @@ and Type =
| ByRefType t -> ByRefType (t.SubstituteGenerics gs)
| VoidType -> VoidType
| StaticTypeParameter i -> StaticTypeParameter i
| LocalTypeParameter -> LocalTypeParameter

member this.SubstituteGenericsToSame(o : Type) =
match this with
Expand All @@ -329,6 +342,7 @@ and Type =
| ByRefType t -> ByRefType (t.SubstituteGenericsToSame(o))
| VoidType -> VoidType
| StaticTypeParameter i -> StaticTypeParameter i
| LocalTypeParameter -> LocalTypeParameter

type MethodInfo =
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/compiler/WebSharper.Core/Macros.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,10 +58,11 @@ type MacroResult =
| MacroError of string
/// Add code dependencies to the member containing the call for the macroed member.
| MacroDependencies of list<Metadata.Node> * MacroResult
/// Revert to next in chain tranlation stratedy for the call.
/// Revert to next in chain tranlation strategy for the call.
| MacroFallback
| MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg
/// Report that the macro needs concrete type information.
/// Delays compilation of inlined calls until type resolution.
| MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg of Type

static member Map f m =
match m with
Expand Down
39 changes: 20 additions & 19 deletions src/sitelets/WebSharper.Web/ClientSideJson.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -272,18 +272,23 @@ module Macro =
let m = comp.GetClassInfo(providerType).Value.Methods.Keys |> Seq.find (fun m -> m.Value.MethodName = "Id")
Call(None, NonGeneric providerType, NonGeneric m, [])

type EncodeResult = Choice<Expression, string, unit>
type EncodeResult = Choice<Expression, string, Type>

let (>>=) (x: EncodeResult) (f: Expression -> EncodeResult) =
match x with
| Choice1Of3 e -> f e
| _ -> x
let ok x = Choice1Of3 x : EncodeResult
let fail x = Choice2Of3 x : EncodeResult
let generic = Choice3Of3 () : EncodeResult
let generic t = Choice3Of3 t : EncodeResult

let mapOk f x =
match x with
| Choice1Of3 x -> Choice1Of3 (f x)
| _ -> x

/// Returns None if MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg.
let getEncoding name isEnc param (t: Type) : option<Expression> =
let getEncoding name isEnc param (t: Type) : EncodeResult =
let warn msg = param.Warnings.Add msg
let addTypeDep td = param.Dependencies.Add (M.TypeNode td)
let comp = param.Compilation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,7 +363,7 @@ module Macro =
fail (name + ": Cannot de/serialize a byref value.")
| StaticTypeParameter _
| TypeParameter _ ->
generic t
// Encode a type that might be recursively defined
and encRecType t targs args =
match comp.GetCustomTypeInfo t.TypeDefinition with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -529,27 +534,23 @@ module Macro =
<| []
| _ ->
fail (name + ": Type not supported: " + t.TypeDefinition.Value.FullName)
match encode t with
| Choice1Of3 x ->
Some x
| Choice2Of3 msg -> failwithf "%A: %s" t msg
| Choice3Of3 () -> None
encode t

let encodeLambda name param t =
getEncoding name true param t
|> (fun x -> Application(x, [], true, Some 0))
|> mapOk (fun x -> Application(x, [], true, Some 0))

let encode name param t arg =
encodeLambda name param t
|> (fun x -> Application(x, [arg], true, Some 1))
|> mapOk (fun x -> Application(x, [arg], true, Some 1))

let decodeLambda name param t =
getEncoding name false param t
|> (fun x -> Application(x, [], true, Some 0))
|> mapOk (fun x -> Application(x, [], true, Some 0))

let decode name param t arg =
decodeLambda name param t
|> (fun x -> Application(x, [arg], true, Some 1))
|> mapOk (fun x -> Application(x, [arg], true, Some 1))

let Encode param t arg =
// ENCODE()(arg)
Expand All @@ -562,11 +563,11 @@ module Macro =
let Serialize param t arg =
// JSON.stringify(ENCODE()(arg))
encode "Serialize" param t arg
|> (fun x -> mJson param.Compilation "Stringify" [x])
|> mapOk (fun x -> mJson param.Compilation "Stringify" [x])

let SerializeLambda param t =
encodeLambda "SerializeLambda" param t
|> (fun x ->
|> mapOk (fun x ->
let enc = Id.New(mut = false)
let arg = Id.New(mut = false)
// let enc = ENCODE() in fun arg -> JSON.stringify(enc(arg))
Expand All @@ -588,7 +589,7 @@ module Macro =

let DeserializeLambda param t =
decodeLambda "DeserializeLambda" param t
|> (fun x ->
|> mapOk (fun x ->
let dec = Id.New(mut = false)
let arg = Id.New(mut = false)
// let dec = DECODE() in fun arg -> dec(JSON.parse(arg))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -620,9 +621,9 @@ module Macro =
let res =
match f param c.Method.Generics.Head (last c.Arguments) with
| Some x ->
WebSharper.Core.MacroOk x
| None -> WebSharper.Core.MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg
| Choice1Of3 x -> WebSharper.Core.MacroOk x
| Choice2Of3 e -> WebSharper.Core.MacroError e
| Choice3Of3 t -> WebSharper.Core.MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg t
let resWithWarnings =
if param.Warnings.Count > 0 then
param.Warnings |> Seq.fold (fun res msg ->
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/stdlib/WebSharper.Main/Macro.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -976,8 +976,8 @@ type EqualityComparer() =

static member GetDefault(comp: M.ICompilation, t: Type) =
if t.IsParameter then MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg t else
match t with
| TypeParameter _ | StaticTypeParameter _ -> MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg
| ConcreteType ct ->
match isImplementing comp ct.Entity ieqTy with
| Some isEquatable ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1022,8 +1022,8 @@ type Comparer() =

static member GetDefault(comp: M.ICompilation, t: Type) =
if t.IsParameter then MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg t else
match t with
| TypeParameter _ | StaticTypeParameter _ -> MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg
| ConcreteType ct ->
match isImplementing comp ct.Entity icmpTy with
| Some isEquatable ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1055,7 +1055,9 @@ type DefaultOf() =
inherit Macro()

override __.TranslateCall(c) =
match c.Method.Generics.[0] with
let t = c.Method.Generics.[0]
if t.IsParameter then MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg t else
match t with
| ConcreteType td when
(td.Entity.Value.Assembly.StartsWith "mscorlib" &&
match td.Entity.Value.FullName with
Expand All @@ -1074,7 +1076,6 @@ type DefaultOf() =
| "System.TimeSpan" -> true
| _ -> false)
-> MacroOk (Value (Int 0))
| TypeParameter _ | StaticTypeParameter _ -> MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg
| ConcreteType td ->
match c.Compilation.GetCustomTypeInfo td.Entity with
| M.StructInfo ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1210,5 +1211,5 @@ type StringFormat() =

defaultArg warningRes (MacroOk result)

| _ -> if c.IsInline then MacroNeedsResolvedTypeArg else MacroFallback
| _ -> MacroFallback
| _ -> MacroError "proxy is for System.String.Format"
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions tests/WebSharper.Tests/Basis.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,6 +89,18 @@ type private T1 [<JavaScript>] () =
[<Inline "isNaN($x)">]
let private isNaN (x: double) = System.Double.IsNaN x

let InnerGenerics pred l =
let rec loop l cont =
match l with
| [] -> ([],[])
| x::[] when pred x ->
(cont l, [])
| x::xs when not (pred x) -> (cont [], l)
| x::xs when pred x -> loop xs (fun rest -> cont (x::rest))
| _ -> failwith "Unrecognized pattern"
loop l id

let Tests =
TestCategory "Basis" {
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tests/WebSharper.Tests/Ref.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,4 +42,8 @@ let Tests =
r.contents <- 4
equal r.contents 4

Test "Does not have prototype" {
jsEqual ((ref 1).JS.Constructor) (JS.Global?Array)

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