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SqlClient DevOps committed Aug 18, 2023
1 parent 8b55bc0 commit c7cefee
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Showing 3 changed files with 87 additions and 87 deletions.
58 changes: 29 additions & 29 deletions src/Microsoft.Data.SqlClient/src/Resources/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4645,90 +4645,90 @@
<value>Die Eigenschaft AccessTokenCallback kann nicht festgelegt werden, wenn in der Verbindungszeichenfolge "Authentication=Active Directory Default" angegeben wurde.</value>
<data name="event_OperationReturnedSomething" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} returned {1}.</value>
<value>{0} hat {1} zurückgegeben.</value>
<data name="net_auth_message_not_encrypted" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Protocol error: A received message contains a valid signature but it was not encrypted as required by the effective Protection Level.</value>
<value>Protokollfehler: Eine empfangene Nachricht enthält eine gültige Signatur, wurde aber nicht so verschlüsselt, wie es nach dem gültigen Schutzgrad erforderlich ist.</value>
<data name="net_log_operation_failed_with_error" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} failed with error {1}.</value>
<value>Fehler bei "{0}": {1}</value>
<data name="net_MethodNotImplementedException" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Diese Methode wird von dieser Klasse nicht implementiertd.</value>
<value>Die Methode wird von der Klasse nicht implementiert.</value>
<data name="net_securitypackagesupport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The requested security package is not supported.</value>
<value>Das angeforderte Sicherheitspaket wird nicht unterstützt.</value>
<data name="SNI_IncorrectPhysicalConnectionType" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Incorrect physicalConnection type.</value>
<value>Falscher physicalConnection-Typ.</value>
<data name="SqlAppContextSwitchManager_InvalidValue" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Exception occurred while trying to set the AppContext Switch '{0}'={1}.</value>
<value>Ausnahme beim Festlegen des AppContext-Schalters "{0}"={1}.</value>
<data name="SQL_DbTypeNotSupportedOnThisPlatform" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Type {0} is not supported on this platform.</value>
<value>Der Typ "{0}" wird auf dieser Plattform nicht unterstützt.</value>
<data name="SQL_GlobalizationInvariantModeNotSupported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Globalization Invariant Mode is not supported.</value>
<value>Der invariante Globalisierungsmodus wird nicht unterstützt.</value>
<data name="SQL_KerberosTicketMissingError" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cannot authenticate using Kerberos. Ensure Kerberos has been initialized on the client with 'kinit' and a Service Principal Name has been registered for the SQL Server to allow Kerberos authentication.</value>
<value>Die Authentifizierung mit Kerberos ist nicht möglich. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Kerberos auf dem Client mit "kinit" initialisiert wurde und ein Dienstprinzipalname für die SQL Server registriert wurde, um die Kerberos-Authentifizierung zuzulassen.</value>
<data name="SQL_NetworkLibraryNotSupported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The keyword 'Network Library' is not supported on this platform, prefix the 'Data Source' with the protocol desired instead ('tcp:' for a TCP connection, or 'np:' for a Named Pipe connection).</value>
<value>Das Schlüsselwort "Netzwerkbibliothek" wird auf dieser Plattform nicht unterstützt. Stellen Sie der Datenquelle stattdessen das gewünschte Protokoll voran ("tcp:" für eine TCP-Verbindung oder "np:" für eine Named Pipe-Verbindung).</value>
<data name="SQL_SocketDidNotThrow" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Socket did not throw expected '{0}' with error code '{1}'.</value>
<value>Socket hat den erwarteten "{0}" nicht ausgelöst. Fehlercode: "{1}".</value>
<data name="SQL_TDS8_NotSupported_Netstandard2_0" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Not supported in .Net Standard 2.0.</value>
<value>Wird in .NET Standard 2.0 nicht unterstützt.</value>
<data name="SQL_UnsupportedFeature" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The server is attempting to use a feature that is not supported on this platform.</value>
<value>Der Server versucht, ein Feature zu verwenden, das auf dieser Plattform nicht unterstützt wird.</value>
<data name="SQL_UnsupportedKeyword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The keyword '{0}' is not supported on this platform.</value>
<value>Das Schlüsselwort "{0}" wird auf dieser Plattform nicht unterstützt.</value>
<data name="SQL_UnsupportedSysTxVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The currently loaded System.Transactions.dll does not support Global Transactions.</value>
<value>Die aktuell geladene System.Transactions.dll unterstützt keine globalen Transaktionen.</value>
<data name="SQL_UnsupportedToken" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Received an unsupported token '{0}' while reading data from the server.</value>
<value>Beim Lesen von Daten vom Server wurde ein nicht unterstütztes Token "{0}" empfangen.</value>
<data name="SSPIInvalidHandleType" xml:space="preserve">
<value>'{0}' is not a supported handle type.</value>
<value>"{0}" ist kein unterstützter Handletyp.</value>
<data name="SqlFileStream_NotSupported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>SqlFileStream is not supported on this platform.</value>
<value>SqlFileStream wird auf dieser Plattform nicht unterstützt.</value>
<data name="LocalDBNotSupported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>LocalDB is not supported on this platform.</value>
<value>LocalDB wird auf dieser Plattform nicht unterstützt.</value>
<data name="net_context_buffer_too_small" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Insufficient buffer space. Required: {0} Actual: {1}.</value>
<value>Nicht genügend Pufferspeicherplatz. Erforderlich: {0} Tatsächlich: {1}.</value>
<data name="net_gssapi_operation_failed" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GSSAPI operation failed with status: {0} (Minor status: {1}).</value>
<value>Fehler beim GSSAPI-Vorgang. Status: {0} (Nebenstatus: {1}).</value>
<data name="net_gssapi_operation_failed_detailed" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GSSAPI operation failed with error - {0} ({1}).</value>
<value>Fehler beim GSSAPI-Vorgang (Fehler: {0} ({1})).</value>
<data name="net_nego_channel_binding_not_supported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>No support for channel binding on operating systems other than Windows.</value>
<value>Keine Unterstützung für Kanalbindung auf anderen Betriebssystemen als Windows.</value>
<data name="net_nego_not_supported_empty_target_with_defaultcreds" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Target name should be non empty if default credentials are passed.</value>
<value>Der Zielname sollte nicht leer sein, wenn Standardanmeldeinformationen übergeben werden.</value>
<data name="net_nego_protection_level_not_supported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Requested protection level is not supported with the GSSAPI implementation currently installed.</value>
<value>Die angeforderte Schutzebene wird bei der derzeit installierten GSSAPI-Implementierung nicht unterstützt.</value>
<data name="net_nego_server_not_supported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Server implementation is not supported.</value>
<value>Die Serverimplementierung wird nicht unterstützt.</value>
<data name="net_ntlm_not_possible_default_cred" xml:space="preserve">
<value>NTLM authentication is not possible with default credentials on this platform.</value>
<value>Die NTLM-Authentifizierung ist mit Standardanmeldeinformationen auf dieser Plattform nicht möglich.</value>
<data name="SqlParameter_SourceColumnNullMapping" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When used by DataAdapter.Update, the parameter value is changed from DBNull.Value into (Int32)1 or (Int32)0 if non-null.</value>
<value>Bei Verwendung durch 'DataAdapter.Update' wird der Parameterwert von DBNull.Value in (Int32)1 oder (Int32)0, falls nicht Null, geändert.</value>
58 changes: 29 additions & 29 deletions src/Microsoft.Data.SqlClient/src/Resources/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4645,90 +4645,90 @@
<value>Impossibile impostare la proprietà AccessTokenCallback se nella stringa di connessione è stato specificato 'Authentication=Active Directory Default'.</value>
<data name="event_OperationReturnedSomething" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} returned {1}.</value>
<value>{0} ha restituito {1}.</value>
<data name="net_auth_message_not_encrypted" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Protocol error: A received message contains a valid signature but it was not encrypted as required by the effective Protection Level.</value>
<value>Errore di protocollo: un messaggio ricevuto contiene una firma valida, ma non è stato crittografato come richiesto dal livello di protezione effettivo.</value>
<data name="net_log_operation_failed_with_error" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} failed with error {1}.</value>
<value>{0} non è riuscito con errore {1}.</value>
<data name="net_MethodNotImplementedException" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This method is not implemented by this class.</value>
<value>Questo metodo non è implementato da questa classe.</value>
<data name="net_securitypackagesupport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The requested security package is not supported.</value>
<value>Il pacchetto di sicurezza richiesto non è supportato.</value>
<data name="SNI_IncorrectPhysicalConnectionType" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Incorrect physicalConnection type.</value>
<value>Tipo physicalConnection non corretto.</value>
<data name="SqlAppContextSwitchManager_InvalidValue" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Exception occurred while trying to set the AppContext Switch '{0}'={1}.</value>
<value>Si è verificata un'eccezione durante il tentativo di impostazione dell’opzione AppContext '{0}'={1}.</value>
<data name="SQL_DbTypeNotSupportedOnThisPlatform" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Type {0} is not supported on this platform.</value>
<value>Il tipo {0} non è supportato in questa piattaforma.</value>
<data name="SQL_GlobalizationInvariantModeNotSupported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Globalization Invariant Mode is not supported.</value>
<value>La modalità invariante di globalizzazione non è supportata.</value>
<data name="SQL_KerberosTicketMissingError" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Cannot authenticate using Kerberos. Ensure Kerberos has been initialized on the client with 'kinit' and a Service Principal Name has been registered for the SQL Server to allow Kerberos authentication.</value>
<value>Non è possibile eseguire l'autenticazione tramite Kerberos. Verificare che Kerberos sia stato inizializzato nel client con 'kinit' e che sia stato registrato un nome dell'entità servizio per il server SQL in modo da consentire l'autenticazione Kerberos.</value>
<data name="SQL_NetworkLibraryNotSupported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The keyword 'Network Library' is not supported on this platform, prefix the 'Data Source' with the protocol desired instead ('tcp:' for a TCP connection, or 'np:' for a Named Pipe connection).</value>
<value>La parola chiave 'Network Library' non è supportata in questa piattaforma. Anteporre a "Origine dati" il protocollo desiderato ("tcp:" per una connessione TCP o "np:" per una connessione Named Pipe).</value>
<data name="SQL_SocketDidNotThrow" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Socket did not throw expected '{0}' with error code '{1}'.</value>
<value>Il socket non ha generato '{0}' previsto con codice errore '{1}'.</value>
<data name="SQL_TDS8_NotSupported_Netstandard2_0" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Not supported in .Net Standard 2.0.</value>
<value>Non supportato in .NET Standard 2.0.</value>
<data name="SQL_UnsupportedFeature" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The server is attempting to use a feature that is not supported on this platform.</value>
<value>Il server sta tentando di usare una funzionalità non supportata in questa piattaforma.</value>
<data name="SQL_UnsupportedKeyword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The keyword '{0}' is not supported on this platform.</value>
<value>La parola chiave '{0}' non è supportata in questa piattaforma.</value>
<data name="SQL_UnsupportedSysTxVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The currently loaded System.Transactions.dll does not support Global Transactions.</value>
<value>Il file System.Transactions.dll attualmente caricato non supporta le transazioni globali.</value>
<data name="SQL_UnsupportedToken" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Received an unsupported token '{0}' while reading data from the server.</value>
<value>È stato ricevuto un token '{0}' non supportato durante la lettura dei dati dal server.</value>
<data name="SSPIInvalidHandleType" xml:space="preserve">
<value>'{0}' is not a supported handle type.</value>
<value>'{0}' non è un tipo di handle supportato.</value>
<data name="SqlFileStream_NotSupported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>SqlFileStream is not supported on this platform.</value>
<value>SqlFileStream non è supportato in questa piattaforma.</value>
<data name="LocalDBNotSupported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>LocalDB is not supported on this platform.</value>
<value>LocalDB non è supportato in questa piattaforma.</value>
<data name="net_context_buffer_too_small" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Insufficient buffer space. Required: {0} Actual: {1}.</value>
<value>Spazio buffer insufficiente. Richiesto: {0} Effettivo: {1}.</value>
<data name="net_gssapi_operation_failed" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GSSAPI operation failed with status: {0} (Minor status: {1}).</value>
<value>Operazione GSSAPI non riuscita con stato: {0} (stato secondario: {1}).</value>
<data name="net_gssapi_operation_failed_detailed" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GSSAPI operation failed with error - {0} ({1}).</value>
<value>Operazione GSSAPI non riuscita. Errore: {0} ({1}).</value>
<data name="net_nego_channel_binding_not_supported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>No support for channel binding on operating systems other than Windows.</value>
<value>Nessun supporto per l'associazione di canali in sistemi operativi diversi da Windows.</value>
<data name="net_nego_not_supported_empty_target_with_defaultcreds" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Target name should be non empty if default credentials are passed.</value>
<value>Il nome di destinazione non deve essere vuoto se vengono passate le credenziali predefinite.</value>
<data name="net_nego_protection_level_not_supported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Requested protection level is not supported with the GSSAPI implementation currently installed.</value>
<value>Il livello di protezione richiesto non è supportato con l'implementazione GSSAPI attualmente installata.</value>
<data name="net_nego_server_not_supported" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Server implementation is not supported.</value>
<value>L'implementazione del server non è supportata.</value>
<data name="net_ntlm_not_possible_default_cred" xml:space="preserve">
<value>NTLM authentication is not possible with default credentials on this platform.</value>
<value>L'autenticazione NTLM non è possibile con le credenziali predefinite in questa piattaforma.</value>
<data name="SqlParameter_SourceColumnNullMapping" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When used by DataAdapter.Update, the parameter value is changed from DBNull.Value into (Int32)1 or (Int32)0 if non-null.</value>
<value>Quando viene usato da DataAdapter.Update, il valore del parametro viene modificato da DBNull.Value in (Int32)1 o (Int32)0 se non è nullo.</value>

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