JIT: Improve strength reduction's prediction of loop reversal #104800
Azure Pipelines / runtime-coreclr jitstress
Jul 17, 2024 in 2h 27m 30s
Build #20240717.1 had test failures
- Failed: 2 (0.00%)
- Passed: 1,191,833 (99.59%)
- Other: 4,949 (0.41%)
- Total: 1,196,784
azure-pipelines / runtime-coreclr jitstress
.packages\microsoft.dotnet.helix.sdk\9.0.0-beta.24360.4\tools\Microsoft.DotNet.Helix.Sdk.MultiQueue.targets(91,5): error : (NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Test) Work item PayloadGroup0 in job e9b94dcc-73ec-4756-9f84-6b23f5764138 has failed.
Failure log: https://helix.dot.net/api/2019-06-17/jobs/e9b94dcc-73ec-4756-9f84-6b23f5764138/workitems/PayloadGroup0/console
Check failure on line 1 in GC\\Scenarios\\ServerModel\\servermodel\\servermodel.cmd
azure-pipelines / runtime-coreclr jitstress
Assert failure(PID 9652 [0x000025b4], Thread: 9528 [0x2538]): new_current_total_committed_bookkeeping == current_total_committed_bookkeeping
CORECLR! WKS::gc_heap::verify_committed_bytes + 0x5A (0x701c0554)
CORECLR! WKS::gc_heap::plan_phase + 0x1F8B (0x701b8f3a)
CORECLR! WKS::gc_heap::gc1 + 0x155 (0x701aec11)
CORECLR! WKS::gc_heap::garbage_collect + 0x3E0 (0x701aea35)
CORECLR! WKS::GCHeap::GarbageCollectGeneration + 0x24C (0x7019edd4)
CORECLR! WKS::gc_heap::trigger_gc_for_alloc + 0x40 (0x701bf879)
CORECLR! WKS::gc_heap::try_allocate_more_space + 0x12F (0x701bfa91)
CORECLR! WKS::gc_heap::allocate_more_space + 0x14 (0x701a36b9)
CORECLR! WKS::GCHeap::Alloc + 0x185 (0x7019e055)
CORECLR! Alloc + 0x147 (0x6ff6ce2a)
File: D:\a\_work\1\s\src\coreclr\gc\gc.cpp:47452
Image: C:\h\w\B55A0934\p\corerun.exe
Return code: 1
Raw output file: C:\h\w\B55A0934\w\B6F7096B\uploads\Reports\GC.Scenarios\ServerModel\servermodel\servermodel.output.txt
Raw output:
"C:\h\w\B55A0934\p\corerun.exe" -p "System.Reflection.Metadata.MetadataUpdater.IsSupported=false" -p "System.Runtime.Serialization.EnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterSerialization=true" servermodel.dll /numrequests:100
Using -1400346519 as random seed
Expected: 100
Actual: -1073740286
Test failed. Trying to see if dump file was created in C:\cores since 7/17/2024 3:10:58 PM
Processing C:\cores\corerun.exe.9652.dmp
Invoking: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x86\cdb.exe -c "$<C:\h\w\B55A0934\t\tmpjokcc2.tmp" -z "C:\cores\corerun.exe.9652.dmp"
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.18362.1 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:\cores\corerun.exe.9652.dmp]
User Mini Dump File with Full Memory: Only application data is available
************* Path validation summary **************
Response Time (ms) Location
OK C:\h\w\B55A0934\p\PDB
Symbol search path is: C:\h\w\B55A0934\p\PDB
Executable search path is:
Windows 10 Version 14393 MP (4 procs) Free x86 compatible
Product: Server, suite: TerminalServer DataCenter SingleUserTS
10.0.14393.6343 (rs1_release.230913-1727)
Machine Name:
Debug session time: Wed Jul 17 15:11:11.000 2024 (UTC + 0:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 1:28:29.284
Process Uptime: 0 days 0:00:12.000
************* Symbol Loading Error Summary **************
Module name Error
ntdll The system cannot find the file specified
You can troubleshoot most symbol related issues by turning on symbol loading diagnostics (!sym noisy) and repeating the command that caused symbols to be loaded.
You should also verify that your symbol search path (.sympath) is correct.
This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(25b4.2538): Unknown exception - code c0000602 (first/second chance not available)
For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for coreclr.dll
eax=02f7d0a8 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=02f7d058 edi=02f7d0a8
eip=7021f05a esp=02f7d388 ebp=02f7e414 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz ac po nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000212
7021f05a 5e pop esi
0:000> cdb: Reading initial command '$<C:\h\w\B55A0934\t\tmpjokcc2.tmp'
0:000> .load C:\Users\runner\.dotnet\sos\sos.dll
0:000> ~*k
. 0 Id: 25b4.2538 Suspend: 0 Teb: 02cb1000 Unfrozen
ChildEBP RetAddr
02f7d394 7021fdca coreclr!FailFastOnAssert+0x21
02f7e414 7021f480 coreclr!_DbgBreakCheck+0x337
02f7e478 7021f7c2 coreclr!_DbgBreakCheckNoThrow+0x51
02f7e4f8 701c0554 coreclr!DbgAssertDialog+0x1ff
02f7e53c 701b8f3a coreclr!WKS::gc_heap::verify_committed_bytes+0x5a
02f7e6d8 701aec11 coreclr!WKS::gc_he
Raw output
at GC_Scenarios._ServerModel_servermodel_servermodel_._ServerModel_servermodel_servermodel_cmd()
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Void** arguments, Signature sig, Boolean isConstructor)
at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InterpretedInvoke_Method(Object obj, IntPtr* args)
at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithNoArgs(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
Check failure on line 1 in PayloadGroup0.WorkItemExecution
azure-pipelines / runtime-coreclr jitstress
The Helix Work Item failed. Often this is due to a test crash. Please see the 'Artifacts' tab above for additional logs.