[NativeAOT] Respect Align8 flag for thread statics #105905
Build Analysis / Build Analysis
Aug 3, 2024 in 0s
.NET Result Analysis
⚠️ The following pipeline(s) will not be analyzed as has been explicited excluded from analysis
All checks completed
Build Rerun
✔️ Build passed after 1 retries.
(Attempt #1) [link to build]
runtime / Build / osx-x64 Debug Libraries_CheckedCoreCLR / Build product
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Child node "2" exited prematurely. Shutting down. Diagnostic information may be found in files in "/var/folders/6f/9bq719ks5ws4blpr063kpj840000gn/T/MSBuildTemprunner/" and will be named MSBuild_*.failure.txt. This location can be changed by setting the MSBUILDDEBUGPATH environment variable to a different directory. /var/folders/6f/9bq719ks5ws4blpr063kpj840000gn/T/MSBuildTemprunner/MSBuild_pid-11749_046782de8f664649bac5e2e17b716301.failure.txt: UNHANDLED EXCEPTIONS FROM PROCESS 11749: ===================== 8/3/2024 7:46:55 AM Microsoft.Build.Framework.InternalErrorException: MSB0001: Internal MSBuild Error: must be valid at Microsoft.Build.Shared.ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError(String message, Exception innerException, Object[] args) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.LoggingContext.LogBuildEvent(BuildEventArgs buildEvent) at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Components.RequestBuilder.AssemblyLoadsTracker.CurrentDomainOnAssemblyLoad(Object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args) ==========
❌.packages/microsoft.net.compilers.toolset/4.12.0-2.24379.16/tasks/netcore/Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets(89,5): error MSB5021: (NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) Terminating the task executable "dotnet" and its child processes because the build was canceled.